[OCTOBER, 1911.
Handa: a lizard-see sanda. Bauria argot. Ex. handa marwa geiyo, he has gone to slay
Handa: a wooden pot in which milk is churned. Sirmûr trans-Giri.
Handal: a conical bag net with very fine meshes, used for catching small fry in running water. Karnal S. R., p. 7.
Handhauna: to keep, harbour.
Handi, see kauri..
Handi: a big earthen pot; hand, a middle-sized one: see under dhihala.
Kangra Gloss.
Handna: to trudge on foot. Hando: lizard. Cf. sanda.
Sirsa S. R. 1893, p. 124.
Handar: an officer on a hola, whose duty it is to let on the water. Kângra S. R. (Lyall.), p. 33.
Hanwari: a fish (Mugil corsula). Karnal S. R., p. 8.
Har: fields scattered here and there, forming the rest of a holding. Kangra S. R. (Lyall.), p. 21.
Hara: snake: Bauria argot.
Hara: a sort of oven in which milk is heated. Sirsa S. R. 1833, p. 152. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 21.
Harar: (Terminalia chebula) a tree. Cf. halela.
Harar: a small mango fruit like the fruit of the Harar. Hoshiarpar S. R., p. 15.
Harewa: a snake. Cf. takwa. Jullundur S. R., p. 12.
Hargand: a crop of rice when ripe. Hoshiarpur S. R., p. 89.
Hargi: an iron staff. Simla Hills.
Harh: Terminalia chebula. Kangra S. R., p. 21.
Hari: hither: Bauria argot. Ex. hari dwi já, hami thain já, come hither.
Harkari: vegetables, Bauria argot.
Harkarn: the sum paid, in addition to the marriage expenses, by a man who abducts a man's wife, to her husband. Dhâmî.
Haro: here. Bauria argot.
Harriában a wild wood. Hissar S. R., p. 15.
Hara: a snake.
Sirsa S. R. 1883, p. 124.
Hat: seven. Sirsa S. R. 1883, p. 124.
Hatarki: a leather glove faced with iron for beating the canes in a sugar press. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 182.
Hathai: a guest-house. Cf. chaupal. Sirsa S. R. 1883, p. 176.
Hathangna commutation for begår or corvée. Bilaspur.
Hathra a frame made of mad and straw, something like a cage, in which lamps are sometimes put at the Diwâli festival. Sirsa S. R. 1883, p. 144.
Hathiar: the second son's share (a weapon or implement) in the inheritance.
Hiti: a flat piece of wood with which boiled juice of sugarcane put to 'cool is worked about. Cf. hatwa. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 182.
Hatth jharna; to lose.
Hatwa: a flat piece of wood with which boiled juice of sugarcane put to cool is worked about. Cf. hati. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 182.
Hazira: a tomb. Ludhiana 8. R. 1883, p. 36.
Haziri: a small saucer of pottery in which lamps are floated in honour of Khwaja Khizr; also used for eating from and as a cover. Cf. khwajiri. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 122.