AUGUST, 1911.]
Dab: « grass (Poa Cynosuroides). Karnal 8. R., p. 12. Daban: the villages on the border of the larger streams. Hissar S. R., p. 18. Dabar: hollow fringed with trees. Karnal 8. R., p. 3.
Dabri: heavier olay, found only in the neighbourhood of the Bein stream; it varies with cultivation from a fine deep soil to an almost unworkable waste and requires constant watering. Hoshiarpar S. R., p. 70.
Dach: a bill-hook for catting small wood. Simla S. R., 1888, p. 45. Daohi : sickle for cutting grass :=d&tri. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 45. Dadali : & wooden barrow. Simla S. R., 1889, p. 45. Dadhrt: a disease : !=dadhar (m.), ring-worm. Dagdona: to light the wood for burning a corpse. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 136.
Dagga: a huge narrow-mouthed vessel made of pottery, for storing water. Cf. mát. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 121.
Dagh: a kind of maize with light yellow cobs intermixed with white grains. Cf. dhura and dhuri. Jullundur S.R., p. 122.
Dahi: a fish (Rasbora elonga). Cf. dahoai. Karnal S. R., p. 8. Dabri: naturally irrigated land. Gurgaon 8. R. 1883, p. 5. Dahwai: a fish. Or. dahi. Karnal S. R., p. 8. Dai: an older sister; Bee under bhảo. Daim: a row of bullocks, for threshing. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 172. Daint: a devil, believed to be a monstrous haman form, Simla Hills. DAJI: * game exactly the same as hockey. Cf. khudilus Ichundi. Sirsa S. R., 1888, p. 206. Dak: a block, of a canal. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 407. Dak : grapes. Simla S. R., 1883, p. 47.
Dal: A basket by which water from a tank is raised into the irrigation channel. Ludhiana S. R. 1883, p. 97.
Dal: a lake; tál is also used. Kangra Gloss. DAI: irrigation of land by delivering the water below the fields. Karnal S. R., 1980, p. 170. Dalis : the man who stands on a penta to swing the dal (3000p). Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 171. Dall gundolt: fenugreek (Laffa). Kangra S. R., p. 25. Dalputi: a big lighted torch, a torch of fine or other resinous wood. Dalri: a small shallow basket for bread and grain. Karnal S. R. 1880, p. 121. Damau : & petticoat wholly red. Karnal S. R., 1880, p. 124. Damkora: a boy, cf. chiha. Bauria argot. Damkori : a girl, Bauris argot. Damras: & string. Of. rde. Karl S. R., 1872-80, p. 163. Dands : bullock. Bearia argot. Dands: very stony land, generally on a slope. Hoshiarpur S. R, P. 69.
Dandal: kind of wooden plough used after the ground has been plougbed once and smooth ed by a mace; tho clods are again broken and smoothed by a maco. Kångra Gloss.
Dandelwisa: place fixed for the residence of the guests of the bridegroom party. CE. jandalwasa. Karnal S. R. 1872-80, p. 180.
Dander: a stalk of bájra. Karnal 8. R., 1872-80, p. 187. Dandiyan : car-rings worn by Sikh women. Sirsa S. R., 1883, p. 157.
Dandral: (1) a large rako. Hoshiarpar, 8. R., P. 72 ; () a barrow with 8 or 10 bamboo teeth, drawn by oxen, used for opening the soil round young corn. Kangru 8. B., p. 29.
Dand wilka: to show teeth, entreat.