1:1, 19:1.]
One of these kings, Solan Kulamurrattu-tuõjina Killivalavano is said to bave laid siege to Karuvûr and conquered the Chêrs king of his day. No less than eleven poets, including Kôrûr-kilar sung in his praise. This poet is the anthor of stanzas 44, 45 and 47 of Purandniru wbich speak of Karigarru-toñjina Nedun-Killi of Uraiyûr and of his friend Iļandattan. In Puram 873, the same poet celebrates the glory of Solan Kurâppalļi-tanjina Killivalavan who is also credited with having destroyed Karuvir owing to an hostility with the Chêra. This Chola king's friendly Pandya contemporary was Velliyambalaton-toñjina Ugra-Peravaludi.l1 Kôpata1 Erichchalůr Madalan Madiraikkumanan, one of the poets of the time of Kurappalli-tuñjins Killivalavan is also the anthor of (1) puram 61 which speaks of -Solap Ilavandigaippalli-tuñjina Nalankilli Sețebenni, 18 the contemporary of Neduikilli; (2) of puram 167 in praise of Enadi Tirukkilli and (9) of puram 180 in favour of Iráttarkilan Tayan Maran who fought for his over-lord. It thus appears that all these Killi's belong to one period.
Another Chóļa kiaz celebrated in Tamil literature is Paranarkilli. He is referred to as one of the ancestors of the Chôļas in the large Laydea plates, the Tiravalanguļa grant and the Udayêndiram charter of Prithivipati II. He performed the Rajasůya ceremony, and was, on that account known by the epithet Rajasůyamvêtta Peranarkilli. With the help of Tiruven malaiyan and perbaps also of Sêramân Mâvenko, who was his friend, he defeated the Chêra Mândarañchêral-Irumborai (rusim 16, 125, 365 and 337) who was the lord of the Kolli mountains, who rescued the village of Vilangil, who was the friend of the post Kapilar, and who was taken captive by the Pandya king Talaigalangânatin-seruvenra-Neduñjelican and was subsequently set at liberty (puram 4, 17, 20, 22, 53, 125, 129). It is said that Kampper-eyil-kalen la Ugra-Peroraludi, one of the royal personages that adorned the last academy of Tamil poets of Madura (puran 21, 867) also belonged to the same age. If this Pân lyx king is identical with V.Iliyambalattu-tunjin Ugra-Peruvaladi, the second set of Killi would also be of the same age as the first. In this case, I am inclined to take Perunarkilli who performed the Rajasůya ceremony, and perhaps one or two others as the real sovereigns of the time and that all the rest were members of the royal family who distinguished themselves in the wars undertaken by the reigning kings. The defeat of the Chóra and the destruction of Karuvûr are attributed to several Chôļa kings of this age. Mučittalaikô-Perunarkilli whose Chêra contemporary was Siraman Anduvañchêral Iramborai and Verpahralakkai Perinarkilli who claimed to have killed Sêranîn Kodakkô Neduñoberal Athan probably refer to the same king.
The facts set forth above clearly show that the Pandya kings Talaiyalanganattuerit venra Nedañjeliyan and Ura-Peruvalludi, the Cbóln Sovereign Rajasůyamvêtta Perunarkilli and the Chêra Mivenkò and Man-larañchêral Iramborai of elephant look, belonged almost to the same period. With the help of the copper-pinte charters of the Pandyas, vi:, the Veļvikudi grant and the Sinnamanar plates and from the statement in the Maduraikkaichi of Mangudi Maradanár that Nedañjeliyan of Talaiyalanganam fame was a lineal descendant of Palyágasalai Mudakudy niPeruvaladi, I have elsewhere attempted to ascribe Nequñjeliyan to the first half of the 7th century A.D. If Killi, referred to in the Kiyilong, is identical with any of the kings bearing that name, who are contemporaries of Ne.luñjeliran, it is quite evident that he must belong to the same age.
According to Manimê galai, the Chôļa king Venrirêr-Killi, whose identity with any of the kings named above is not certain and who probably belongs to an earlier age, married a Naga princess called Pilivalai, the daughter of Valaivanan and became the father of a child who, it is said,
• The meaning of the word tujine is 'who died."
1. Valan is a synonym for the Chu. 11 Vaindi is a synonym for Pandya,
13 Kopan is a territorial division in the Pudukkottai Stato. During the time of the later Cholas, it was called Kmalaya-Tiangai-koyda-Chila Valdelu.
13 Sexi is a synonym for Chi!