[APRIL, 1911.
910. apr I T 493 faina M. 991. Pivo M with L. Translate :-.The horse, powerful be
995. " H: MSS. and D(fa° C). cause it was of Khandesh breed, having crossed the swollen river, also followed
998. Ti M, N, P, L, C, D. M. him who was being inmersed in great
garra M with L. danger.'
M, L, as suggested by P. 912. Read files with D.
Durgāprasād. 913. fear M with L.
1004. Refacaca M, as suggested by P. 916. Read perhaps auf
Dargāprasad, 918. The second half runs thus in M:- 1006. M, P, D. qua rat itaa
a u 1009.
P M with L. . aalt
1010. Pareitafers M; read THE 919. Tag M with L.
1011. : M, C. 921. THT MSS., C, D. fato M. 1012. M 922. a uto M with L.
1014. TTTMSS., L, C, D. D ar 924. a M.
M,D; see Pāņini, VI, 1, 89. 927. urtea: M. Compare Vikramanka- 1019. 44 M, as suggested by P.
dēvacharita, XII, 12, and Hēmachandra's Anēkārthasaragraha, II, 118,
Durgāprasād. commentary.
1022. TAGIT M; read THIG B A 929. P iratfat: M.
M, L, C. 932. quae M.
1024. M. TUFURT M. 935. aula M, L, as suggested by P.
1025. faeder M, L, P, D. Durgaprasād.
Mwith L.
1026. a M. 939. To : M, N, P, C, D.
1029.1 ART M, L, as suggested by P. 943. B I RT M with L.
Durgāprasad, 949. Faro M. : = TEIT
1042. T 7 M, L, as suggested by P. · aut; compare VII, 941,
Durgāprasād. 953. C UTE M, as suggested by P.
1043. Read . Dargā prasād. M.
U A, P, E, C, D. 955. A T M.
1047. The reading
requires no 956. TITTAT M.
change; compare Sisupalavadha, I, 58. 957. N° M.
1053. Read ù with D. 963. Fatui aa (TET T° M.
1054. B a n Mwith L ; compare VII, 964. M.
1299. Here and in verses 1062 and 965. ATUT M. TEM.
1065 M reads ge for . Trofeo M. Compare the footnote in 1056. Ara M with L. Dr. Stein's Translation.
1059. Read THU: with C, as suggested by 968. M.
P. Durgāprasad. 969. P M. TEM.
1062. Read perbaps Para 971. 17 THT M, as suggested by P. 1096. Read tut with O. Durgaprasād.
1112. M, P. afuan M; Siva 974, attes M.
and Vishnu are alluded to. 979. OTT M with L.
1113. Hafazanat: M. 67 79: MSS., 980. ParaTRU M with L.
C, D. 981. P a ga: M with L.
1114. M. 1994 M. HRT: M. 982. i 47 M:
1115. gai Jay M. 983.
44 M with L. B rno 1118. 1° M. M with L.
1119. 3: M; compare VII, 935 and 986. Read miswi with D.
Dr. Fleet's Dyn. Kan. Distr., p. 446. 988.
M, L, as suggested by P. 1120. M. Durgāprasād. P t M, L, C. 1121. B TN M