No. IX. - Defeat of the Baltis. Text.
Translation. 1. Sagling nang Mentog-mkharla jopa 1. The lord is residing at the Flower-castle bzhugssa stealled.
of Sagling. 2. dbyar nang khodas yangla thse minned le. 2. God is graciods to thee [this] summer. 3. Sagling nang mentog mkharla rgyalpo 3. The king is residing at the Flower-castle bahagssa stealled.
of Sagling. 4. Tsangma nang bdagpos yangla the 4. The Owner of purity' is gracious to thee.
minned. 5. Sker rdoi Hor dmagpo Daltong Lala 5. Thou tornest back the Turki army of logse stsalled.
Skardo on the Daltong Pass. 6. dbyar nang khodas yangla thse mincig. 6. God is gracions to thee [this] sommer. 7. mi thsela mi thugpai kamrgya panna 7. Thou dictatest a treaty to them to last stealled.
longer than a life-time. 8. b De-skyong-rnam-rgyallisnamralla klog 8. Lightning flashes out of king bDebarred.
skyong-rnam-rgyal's sword.
Notes on the Tibetan Text.
v. 2.-yang, contraction of nyidrang, you ; minned, contraction of minba yod, minba means to give' in Balti; thee minba, 'give a lifetime,' used in the sense of "be gracious.'
v. 4.- ytsang ma nang bdagpo, owner in (of) parity, 'Lord of purity,' a Balti name of God.
v. 7.-mi theela mi thugpa, not touching a life-time,' together with nanne, nante, has the sense of exceeding a life-time. Kam ngya (iki rgya) said to mean a treaty.'
v. 8.-nam-ral, respectful for ralyri, sword.
Notes on the English Translation, The royal name given in the song is apparently wrong. King bDe-akyong-rnam-rgyal never went to any war, as far as we know. The king mentioned in the song was probably bDe-ldan-rnam-rgyal (c. 1620-1640 A.D.), who beat the Baltis. The mention of a Turki (Hor) army in v. 5 points directly to this king, as the Ladakhi Chronicles say that when the Baltis were beaten, they received the assistance of the Nawāb (of Kashmir), who induced the Turks to overrun Ladakh, but they were driven back. The Balti king who suffered the defeat was Ahmad Khān. See Notes on Song No. V, ante.
No. X. - The Siege of Basgo. Text.
Translation. 1. rGyalsa Basgoi ypas phyogsnas Itaspa,- 1. Looking towards the right from the
capital of Basgo, - 2. theugsa Basgoi ygas phyogsnas Itaspa, 2. Looking towards the right from the
caravanserai of Basgo, 3. rgyalpoi ysang zhingpo Pangkatse 3. On the field, (called) Pangkatae, of the stengna, -
king, 4. mi dbanggi yang zhingpo Pangkatse 4. On the field, (called) Pangkatse, of the stnogna,
potentate, 5. shau ysum stong Inga brgya zam yod lo, 5. There are about three thousand five hun
dred little beda.