The chief of Ohigtan, Thsering-melig, who is mentioned in the song, is a well-known historical personality. He reigned about 1550.1580 A. D. and was the first chief of Ohigtan who became a Muhammadan.
I was told that the Chigtan princes were in possession of a Chronicle, and to get a copy of it, I sent my munshi, Yeshes-rig-'adzin of Khalatse, to the present ex-chief, who is residing at Kargil. The ex-chief said that the book had been lost only a few years ago, but that he knew it by heart and was ready to recite it. According to the ex-chief's recital, my munshi wrote down the story afresh and brought me a copy. The Chronicle thus obtained, reminds one of the Balti Chronicles, as we find them in Cunningham's Ladak. The first or mythological part clusters round the figure of Ltsang-mkhan-(fakir)-malig and tells of the emigration from Gilgit in prehistorical times. The second or historical part contains all the Muhammadan chiefs of Chigtan, beginning with Theering-malig. All the Buddhist chiefs, who reigned after Lteang-mkhan-malig and before Thsering-malig, sre ignored.
That Theering-malig's ancestors were Lamaist Buddhists, we know from an inscription by several of them in the Chigtan monastery. It is found in my First Collection of Tibetan Inscriptions, No. 43.
of one of Tbsering-malig's descendants, Adam Khan, who reigned in the eighteenth century, the Chronicles say that daring his time the Musalman religion was adhered to. This can only mean that Adam Khan used his influence to make it the religion of all his subjects.
A copy of the Chronicles of Chigtan has been deposited at the library of the Maćica Serbska, Bautzen, Germany.
No. VIII.--mDxes-ldan rnem-rgyal and Tbsering-malig. Text.
Translation. 1. 'Diring ynyiddi sngilampo bzangpo rig 1. To-night (I] had (saw) a good dream.
mthong. 2. zhag bzang ynyiddi snyilampo bzangpo 2. I had a good dream of a good day.
rig mthong. 3. gongma alam bdagpo nang mjalba rigs. I dreamt that I met with the high owner mthong.
of the world.. 4. 'rgyalpo mDres-ldan-rnam-rgyal nang 4. I dreamt that I met with king mDzesmjalba mthong.
ldan-rnam-rgyal. 5. gongma alam bdagpo yser khri kha bzhuge
5. I saw the high owner of the world sit on pa mthong.
a golden throne. 6. rgyalpo m Dzes-ldan-rnam-rgyal yaer khri 6. I saw king m Dzes-ldan-rnan-rgyal sit on kha bzhugspa mthong.
a golden throne. 7. buthsa ngarang langste phyag yum 7. I dreamt that I, a boy, rose and bowed phalta mthong.
three times [before him]. 8. Karpo bathsa langste phyag jsum 8. I dreamt that I, the boy d Karpo, rose phulba mthong.
and bowed three times. 9. gongma alam bdagpoi pbyag yassi phyag 9. The high owner of the world has a phrangpo.
rosary in his right-hand. 10. rgyalpo mDzes-ldan-rnam-rgyalli phyag 10. King mDzes-ldan-rnam-rgyal has a rosary Yyassi phyag pbrangpo.
in his right-hand.