Ali Mir Sher Khan's son and successor was Ahmed Khān, who suffered a defeat by the Ladakhis under bDel-ldan-rdam-rgyal. The Ladvays Gyal-rabs says that the Baltis made a unanimous application for help to the Nawāb (of Kashmir) who induced the Torks to invade Ladakh. They were defeated as well as the Baltis. Cunningham says that according to the Chronicles of Skardo, this application was made during the reign of Jehängir (probably about 1625). Bernier also speaks of assistance rendered to one of the Balti chiefs by the Magbals, but he places it in the reign of Shāh Jabān. At any rate, the Baltis became true friends of the Mughals, and Baltistan was, as is also attested by Bernier, a province of the Mughal empire.
Much more we do not yet know of Balti history. As regards the pre-Muhammadan times in Baltistan, folklore furnishes three, and archeology two royal Buddhist names. We also know the name of one Balti-Buddhist lama of importance. It is found in the Reu mi), translated by S. Ch. Das. There we read that the saint of Baltistān, sBalte-dgra-bgompe, was born in 1128 A. D., and died in 1214 A. D.
No. VI. - Old 'a Bumbha. Text.
Translation. 1. Zhagpo nang skarmabo 'adzombari zhag | 1. [this] is a day yhen the stars assemble :
yod : menna wa yado kan
Isn't [it so]. O companions ? 2. skarmai dang rgya stod po sharbari zhag 2. [it] is the day of the rising of the chief yod,
constellation among the stars, muyambari jamad kun.
. O assembled comrades. 3. Gyal-'abum bhai jo nyerang rgaspa 3. O Lord rGyal-'abumbha, thou art old phangspa yod :
and forsaken: menna wa yado kun?
Isn't [it so), O companions ? 4. rgaspai rgan yampo mila mi zag : 4. The old speech of an old man does not
seize the people: menna wa yado kun ?
Isn't fit s0], 0 companions ? 5. rgaspai rgan berpo sala yang mi zag, 5 The old stick of an old man does not take
root in the ground, muyambari jamadkun.
O assembled comrades. 6. Gyal-'abum-bhai jo nyerangla bran ma 6. O Lord rGyal-'abumbha, do not let the khor :
servants work around you menta wa yado kun?
Ins't [it so], o companions ? 7. ama nang] zan medmola bu ma khor 7. If a mother has no food she must not let
the children (work] around her, rGyal-'abum-bhai joi zhabshi kun
O servants of Lord rGyal-'abumblia.
Notes on the Tibetan Text. v. 1.-'adzombari instead of 'adzompai. The was inserted on account of the metre, to create one more syllable.
v. 2.-sharbari instead sharbui for the same reason. vv. 2, 5. jamad, company, is an Urdu word. v, 4, 5.-zug is Ladahhi for 'adzuppa, take hold of. 1.7.-shabshi, the same as zhabe phyi, servant.