Now it was the Brahman Kid.la that had ben sout first, and it wa, his brother Chidea that next met Rai Has, who said: - Bait.
Verso. "Age dwen, Dada Brahmin, tainia sadida "Come hitber, Father Brahman ; Lassi Rai Hasse Rdi.
calls theo. Oh jo kahidi Morni, oh di khabar le de: She whom they call Morni, bring me news of
her. Khabar le Gwen, tai rakhein; nahin, rahen If thou bring news, then will I cherish thee: if uthafi ján."
not, remain there, (or) I might take thy life."
The Brahmsn set out instantly and got to Rai Majhir's city. There he male enquiries and people said that the Brahman, who had first come to claim Morni in betrothal had been langed by Rai Majhår. Brothers, bearing of a brother's fate, suffer great pain. He went to Rai ..ajbar's court, bale neither obeisanca nor salutation, but asked for the palanquin (of betrothal).
Bait. Gadh Mughalanfon Bahman chalid, warhia shahr
Mojhár. Athan Râi Mojhar nún: “ Maine sunidin
wadda be-fndn: 67 Muro Daman, Bhattan, Bahmanan, tuhá nun
wadda påp lagge) : Mang hai addit sundar Morni: hor le jdega kaun
jurtán? Teghán mári auliai-saulidi, ce jane kul jahan.
Verse. The Brahman left Garh Mughalant, and invaded
the city of Majlar. He said to Râi Majhêr: "I have heard that
thou art tery fath'ess: 07[If Důms, Blints and Brahmans die, great sins
are upon thee] : The demand is our beautiful Morni: shall any
other youth (than our Rija ) take her away? We can strike with our words hither and thither,
as all the world knows. Have the Vedas read to an arrump and I will
take ber home.”
Tirndl Ved parha de: maii le gharán núi ján."
Rai Majhar said: "Every Brahman that comes, talks of Morni, Morni,' and nothing else. Pat a rope two and-a-half cabits long round his neck and hang him on the left branch, just 18 the first Brahman was banged on the right." So the two Brâhmians bung like gourds dangling. The news reached Rai Hasut that a second Brahman had cone from her father and had been pitilessly and unjastly hanged too. Se merely said: "Every fool of a Brâliman that comes does not come Rear me, bat goes there."
The brother of these two Bráhronne, Rop Chand, the austere, the virtuous 70 the pious and earnest71, had been lately married, aud next day he went to Rai Das and begged for alms, but Rai Has said : - Bait.
Verse. "Agge kwen, pada Bahnandi, tainú á saddán "Come hither, Father Brahman, Hassa Râi calls
Hasse Rás: Oh jo kahidi Horní, oh di khabar le de.
She whom they call Morni, bring me news of her. Khabar le dues tan rakhoán; nahin, rahen, If ilou bring news, then will I cherish thee; uthdin jde."
if nos, semain away and stay there."
* A ruspicious line; it does not fit in with the rest and is perhaps added ont of expberance by the bard. • Hither and thither, at random
Marry her to an arrow. • Bati,
11 Ratti pati