JULY, 1909.]
विफलत्वमेति बहुसाधनता । कपिहरू संग पनि रावन ले, क्यहि पार पाउन सकेन वहाँ ॥ ६० ॥ यादृग् विप्रः प्राप दक्षिणां तादृग वेदमाधीते । जैसी तेरी तिल-चावलिया तैसी मेरी गीते ॥ ६१ ॥ दग्धायां पुरि रावणो रथमष्टमवाप । आग लगती झोपडी जो निकले सो लाभ ॥ ६१ ॥ शपन्मुनिर्वशिष्ठो भूपं
स वशिष्ठं शशाप ।
जूते जजमान पुरोहित ले कर डूबे आप ।। ६३ ॥
बालो बूते देयः करी. पित्रोरेका नो वर्करी । लड़का माँगे पी खिचरी घर मे नहीं लोन की डरी ॥ ६४ ॥
मन्त्रिभिररिमिलितैः कृतो इतराज्यः सुरथी ही
चोरहि कुतिया मिल गए पहरा किस का होय ।। ६५ ।।
पर्वणि दानभिया द्विजं
64. The child says to his father, Give me an elephant. The father has not even a single she-goat. The son asks for spiced hotch-potch and ghi and in the house there's not even & pinch of salt." 65. King Suratha was dethroned by his ministers who conspired with his enemies. "When the thief and the watch-dog have become friends, who will do the guarding?"
66. On a holy day, when the shopkeeper
saw the Brahmana, he hastened into the inner rooms of his house, for fear that he should be asked for a present, Next day (he has no hesitation) in greeting him in public with, " Let me fall at your Reverence's feet... (Look the other way when the collection plate comes round).
For the
सं युक्तम्याशिषा दीनविप्रस्तदा स्वस्ति कल्याण अजमान तेरे सदा ॥ ६७ ॥
हस्तिनां वाजिनामूर्जित संपदा 67 When the sees anyone well supplied with wealth of elephants and horses, then यत्र कंचन प्रेक्षतेऽमे बदा । does the needy Brahmana furnish him with blessings, saying " My client, may God bless you with health and wealth." 68. Radha says, The son of Nanda (i. e., Krishna) has cut a bit of bamboo out of our jungle. He made holes in it, so that it gave forth pretty music. Then he gave it a grand name and called it "flauto." (It is just as if) a woman had taken fire from my house, and with her) (when she brought home called it The Devonring Element."
A Gorkhali proverbs are l
अगर पा लागत महराज ॥ ६६ ॥
राधा कथयत्यस्मद्नतो नन्दमनुमा मनोहरा मस्करवष्टिश्चिमा रचिता रन्ध्रवती सा कलास्वरा । संज्ञा मुरलीत्येवं तस्वा विहिता लोके महत्तरा मेरे घर से आग ले गई वाहि वैश्वानर
धरा ।। ६५ ।। Puspal onto fu
60. When destiny is against a man, his best-laid schemes "gang aft agley". “(The mighty) Ravana could in no way withstand the monkeys."
61. The Brahmana reads the Veda to the exact extent of his fee. "My song is just as long as your (gifts of) sesame and rice."
62. When Râvana's city was barnt down, he rescued but one gascorched chariot.. "When the but takes fire, whatever is saved is profit."
68. Vasishtha cursed King (Nimi), and Nimi carsed Vasishtha in return. " The priest seizes the hand of his sinking client (to rescue him), and is drowned himself."