MAY, 1909.)
(Life of Rámánuja). BY S. KRISHNASVÅMI AIYANGAR, M.A., M.B.A.S.
(Mysore Education Service).
Introduction. This is a work of one of the contemporaries of Ramanujs describing briefly the main incidents in the life of Ramanuja from the point of view of an admiring devotee. Such as it is, it is peculiarly free from the gross exaggerations which mar the other works of the kind, except perhaps the Tiruvarangattandadi by Amudan of Arangam, & disciple, according to tradition, of Kuratta van, the first among Râminaja's inner coterie of disciples,
Nothing is really known about Andhrapûrņa, the author of this work, except what he chooses to tell us himself, viz., that he was engaged in the milk service of Ramanuja." Even tradition has few things to tell about him. We find his name, however, among those of the 74 successors of Râminajs in the propagatiou of the Vaishnava Gospel, and the author of the PrapannAmfitam, who lived a contemporary of Venkatapatiraya (died 1814 A. D.) claims to be a descendant of Andhrapürņa (or Vaduganambi as he is called in Tamil).
of late there has arisea considerable interest in the life and work of Ramanuja among scholars to whom this and other similar works bearing upon the history of Ramanuja do not appear to have been accessible. It is with a view to placing such works within their reach, and also of our northern cousins that I have made this attempt at publisbing the text in Dovanagari with an English translation. It has been published pretty accurately in Telugn, and possibly Grantha characters as well, leaving little to be done in the matter of collating and editing..
It is hoped that this attempt will lead eventually to a better understanding of the life and teachings of Ramanaja and of the faith of a vast number of the men and women of my country who profess to follow his teachings. My sincere thanks are due to Sir Richard Temple for helping me in the publication of it through the Indian Antiquary. Text.
Translation. भोरामानुजयोगींद्रक्षीरकैयशालिने।
Obeistance to you, Andhrapürna of great
qualities, devoted to the milk service of नमो बटुकपूर्णाय महनीय गुणाय ते.॥.
Sri Ramânaja, prince of ascetics. 1 श्रीमचामुनदेशिकारधिगतश्रुत्वन्तयुग्माधवः 1 He that had learnt the secrets of the two
सस्सन्देशचिकीर्षया निवतधी: श्रीशैलपुणे गुरुः । systems of the Vedanta, from Yâmuns भम्बियनशाइबोधितवरं श्रीवेङ्कटानी हो।
as preceptor; He that wished to carry तीर्थपुष्पमपातराण्युपहरजास्तेस्मसवृद्धये।
out his (preceptor's) command, Acharya Sri Sailapůrna, in search of eligible young men to marry his two young sisters dwelt in Venkatadri (Tirupati), doing God service, with water, flowers and other such
that the good might prosper. 2 तवान्तरेमधुरमंगलभूतपुर्णनित्यस्थितीश्रुतितर-. 2 During the time two persons, permanent
Fra all
residents of Madhura-mangala and Bhâtaहावम्बुरुण्णबनकेशवसोमबाजिनामान्विता
pari (Patûr) respectively, 'well versed बमजताम्परिणेतुकामा।
in the Vedas and Vedângas and well born, by name Kamalanayans (or Pandarikáksha) and Kebayasômayaji came
there with ideas of marriage. 1 The Vedanta u expounded in the Sanskrit and Tamil Canonical works of the Vaishparis.
Places very bear con other in the Ohing lepat District about 15 miles from Kanchi.