NOVEMBER, 1908.]
For six months nothing seems to bave been done with regard to Salisbury's affairs. Then, on the 11th August, at a Consultation at Masulipatam, there is the following entry, "Joseph Arnold excepts against looking after Mr Ambrose Salusburyes estate and Mr John Crandons, being other Were concerned therewith before he arrived at this Coast."
On the following day, the 12th August 1676, at . Consultation held at Masulipatam, Streynsham Master, who was making a tour of inspection of the factories subordinate to Fort St. George, “having enquired why the Estate of Mr Anibrose Salisbary who some months since deceased, was not taken care of by the Councell here, he dying as is said Intestate, It was answered that they were nuwilling to concern themselves further than to secure the Companyes Interest, by reason his Creditors upon his decease made severall Demands, As Moore Merchant produced a Bill under his band for severall goods and Mr Cbamberlaine a Bond for Rs. 885-15 cash, Principall dated March 28, 1667, to pay Interest at 2 p. c. per Mensem and in default of payment after 6 mos, at 3 p. c. per Mensem...: P. S. - Concerning Mr Ambrose Salusbury's Estate, and Mr John Crandons, Joseph Arnold always excepted against others having intermedled therein before his arrival at this Coast."64
On the 20th September. 1676, administration of Ambrose Salisbury's effects was granted to "Sasanna Salisbury, mother and lawfully assigned guardian to Susanna and Anna Salisbury, • minors, nieces and next of kin to Ambrose Salisbury, bachelor, who died in the East Indies."
Salisbury's affairs in India, however, remained unsettled. On the 22nd February, 1677, the Council at Fort St. George wrote to Masulipatam, “We bave Information that there are effects of Mr Ambrose Salusbury deceased in the Custody of some persons of that factory and Debts of h.9 unpaid, concerning which the Ilonble. Company having given express orders for the sale thereof, payment of debts, and bringing in the overplus into their Cash for friends use; we have only to Confirme the saure unto you as we doe hereby.""
On receipt of these orders, the Council at Masulipatam took the following steps :
Att a Consultation.-In persuance of an order from the Agent and Councell of the 20th February 1676-7 concerning the Estate of Mr Ambrose Salusbury deceased, It is Ordered that Mr John Heathfeild doe bring in and deliver to the Commissioners wbatsoever he had in bis Custody appertaining to the said Mr Salusbury, and the same be received by Inventory in the presence and under the Attestation of all the Honourable Companyes Servants resident in this Factory, and that whatsoever else of the said Mr Salusburyes Estate shall be found in any other place, that the same be also under the like Caution and circumstances reccav'd and Registred and the whole disposd by public Sale or Oatory, and the proceed brought into the Honourable Companys Cash for account of the true proprietors. Particularly That Mr George Chamberlaine be desired to give in an accompt of what money he has received and possessd himself of belonging to Mr Salusbury since his decease, that so the Accompt between them may be adjusted with the more facillity.
Joseph Arnold excepts against medling with Mr Ambrose Salusburyes Estate more then a witness of what may hence forward come to his knowledge, other persons being concernd there with before my Arrivall on this Coast to the rest of this Consultation I subscribe, JOSEPH A EKOLO."57
Metchlepa tam the 6th Aprill, 1677.
"In persuance of an order of Consultation dated the 6th instant, directing Mr John Heathfeill to bring in and deliver to the Commissioners whatsoever he had in his Custody of the Estate of Mr Ambrose Salusbury deceased, and that whatsoever of Mr Ambrose Salusburyes Estate should be found in any other Place shoull in like manner be brought in and delivered tothe Commissioners, as more at large per the said Consultation doth appeare.
is Factory Records, Manulipalam, Vol. 1. * Administration Books at Somerzet House. * Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 1.
4 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 1. * Factory Records, Fort St. George, Vol. 18.