NOVEMBER, 1908.]
Extract from "Mr. Matthew Mainwarings Charge in the Honble. Companys Beholfe against Mr Richard Mohun. 8ly. That Mr Salsbury provided a Parcell of Goods to the amount of 1059-12 which he thrust upon the Company without consent of any of the Councell for want of mony to comply In more Propper Returns." 36
In the following month an extract from the Diary of Major Puckle shows Salisbury in his old quarters.
"Mr Salsbury at Pettypoly Ordered to come to Metchlepatam to receive instructions about red Sallampores (ehintx] and Morees mūri, blue cloth] to be sent to Bantam and to bring musters and prizes of the same. Metchlepatam,10 August, 1675." 37
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, There being an Investment to be ma le in the Honble. Company In Some commodities which we understand are to be had in your parts, wee therefore desire and enorder you to come to us forth with to receive directions about the game, not elee to Trouble we remaine &ca. M. MAINWABING &ca. • Wee desire you to enquire what quantities of Lead (red). Sallampores (and ] red Morees are to be had in your parts and to bring us musters of each.38
Metohlepatum, 10 August, 1875;" In accordance with these directions, Salisbury promptly repaired to Masalipatam.
* Mr Mathew Mainwaring and Councell, Worthy Friends, In obedience to your desire and order shall hasten my Repaire to you. The want of boyes will detaine mee, they being taken app by the Govr. &ca. I shall bring with me a Muster of red Sallampores and Morees. Although but little of either at present procureable, which with my humble Servis conclude, Your most hamble servant, AMBROSE SALUBBURY.30
Petepole, 16 August, 1675."
The result of Salisbury's interview with the Councell-at Masulipatamis briefly chronicled in Major Packle's Diary," Mr. Salsbury came to the factory, saith the Dutch have taken up and bospoke ah the red Cloaths, Bat he could furnish with sach sorts' as the Merchants have already undertaken. Metchlepatam; 25 August, 1675."
Salisbury was bitterly disappointed with his reception at Wasalinatam. On his return to Peddapalle, be voieed his grierances in the following letter -
** To Mr Matthew Mainewaring Sca. Councel, Worthy freinds, By the Blessing of Almighty God, ime this instant safely retorned, being Satturday noon. I apprehended by your Generall there was an Inrestment to bee made by the Honorable Company in the Comodityes of these parts as you expressed, but you are pleased now to say You have contracted with your Merchants for the Sorts those parts afford. Had you been pleased to reserve for me a small matter you should by Gods blessing have found punctuall complyance at the prizes you receive from your Merchants, which presome could be the same to [the] Company and noe leese to you to Receave goods from me as you doe from other persons. But that you should expect more from me in the Investment than from the Country Merchants that have constant Impreste is to be admired. When you have answer from the Agent and Councell to the Letter you have writ I desire you to consider mee, desireing but Five thousand pagothaes.
* Factory Records, Manilipatam, Vol. 6. * Factory Records, Masulipatam, VOL 6. + Factory Records, Manligatam, Vol. 12,.p. 29.
37 Factory Recorda, Masulipatam, Vol. 19, p. 29. ** Factory Records, Manulipalam, Vol. 10.