OCTOBER, 1908.]
provide, wee desire your great Care in seeing that it be Cleane and good and free from any Mixturo of salt or trash. You advise that the two hundred Candy mentioned in your last Letters and which you advised the twelve hundred Pagos, for, was in a readinesse, and that you were sending said money into the Country to pay for it, which wec are glad to here and that you have since advices of the like quantity but more remote, but had nos muster of it. It should be good by the Price you mention, being 6 or 7 Pagos. per Candy of 520 li, which is lese in weight then you have already bought and much more in price, which wee desire you to Consider by your Endeavouring to auginent the one and lessening the other, and to be as speedy in the Provision of it as possible you can. The whole quantity desired by the Agent and Councell is Candies 800, of which you advise you have 300 in a readinesse. What more you can procure, pray doe it, for wee shall leave it wholly unto you, and now send you, as desired, moro Pagos. twelve hundred that money may not be wanting. In one of yours to us, you blame us for not sooner answering your letters and sending you moneys. Pray compare the dates of yours and ours together and then see whether you have cause to Complaine, but if the weather be such as to hinder the arrivall of our Peons and money with you or your letters with us, wee cannot help that. Both your and our Peons have been 7 days returning. Farther have not at present to inlarge save to Comunitt you and your Affaires to the Protection of the Allmighty, and Remaine, Sir, Your loveing Friends, RICHARD MOHUN, &ca.73
Metohlepatam, October the 19th, 1672."
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, After dispatch of ours to you yesterday, came to hand yours of the 21th, wherein you continue to encourage us not to doubt your timely complyance in provision of the Peeter, which wee are very glad to understand, as also that the rumour of the Kings People being in the Peeter Country has proved falce. However, as our last?* advised you, we immediately upon receipt of yours of the 15th,74 dispeeded to Guleondah for the Kings Phirmaund, which, as soone as come to hand, shall forward to you. The knives and lookeing glasses you desire we herewith gend. Wee have considered of what you propose as to the Contents of the baggs of Peeter, but we judge it most convenient not to alter an old Custome when their acerewes noe benifitt by an innovation, therefore wee would have each as formerly to containe 1 C. [cwt.) and to be pat in double Gunnies of the best procureable, which is the need full at present from Your assured friends, RICHARD Monun.
Mr Mainwaring and Mr Chamberlaine at Madapollam.75 October the 24th 1672,"
" Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, yours of the 26th and 28th October78 came to our hands yesterday in the Evening, and wee observe that you do not meane to accept the Peetre as twas, but to have it refined and made fitter for the Companys use and that the owner will doe this, and leave it to choice to accept or leave. The proposition being reasonable, wee advise you to give him incouragement to goe in hand with it, for that you know there is orders for 700 Candy, and you mention but of fine that you are in election to bave, besides the prementioned Parcell. You doe very well to provide baggs before hand that there may be noe loss of time. As soon as the Phirmaund [farmān] arrives it shalbe sent you, though wee are glad to heare you bope you shall have little occasion to make use of it, which is so much the better. The Agent and Councell are very desirous to be certainely informed that you can doe that they may the better Governe themselves. Wee never heard the Commanders complaine of these baggs. If you have, and thinck it Convenient to put more peeter in a bagg then accustomary in these Parts, wee leave it to you. Wee desire to advise what quantity of Cotton Yarne you can provide at 11 Pagos, the Candy for wee detaine our advices to the Fort to receive yours. Resting Your very loveing friends, MATTHEW MAINWARING; GEORGE CHAMBERLAINE,
Mr Mohan at Madapollam.77 Metohlepatan, Norember the 18t 1672." 13 Factory Recorls, Masulipatam, Vol. 5.
T4 These letters do not exist. 78 Factory Records, Matulipatam, Vol. 5.
76 These letters do not exist. 17 Fuctory Records, Vasulipatam, Vol. 5.