OCTOBER, 1908.]
“Mr Richard Mohun groa. Councell, I desired in my last 3 yds. of red Cloth of two pa. per yd. The Boate which hath been gone about ten dayes cannot return with Gunneys &ca. untill it arrive, therefore if not sent before this arrive, pray hasten it, and you shall speedily bse Supplyed with Roapes and Twine. I writt you of a Boate of Gunneys arrived hither which are to bee laden on another Boate to proceed to Madarass, Bat the Governour will not Suffer them to bee removed or Landed, therefore desired your Governours Letter, which pray hasten and the Cloth that the Boates may proceed, all being ready. The Ginghams next weeke (you) shall not faile to receive. Desireing your Speedy Complyance, and if you please not to allow the Cloth, Charge mee with it. This, with kinde respects, is the needfull from Your assured friend, AMBROSE SALUSBURY,32
Pettepolee, the 8th December, 1671."
"Mr Richard Mohun ca. Councell, I have deferred answering yours of the 6th, which accompanyed the red Cloth, which immediately sent the Governour of Beattapunde, who hath given leave for the Goods, but that your occasion may not bee hiadred for want of Roape and Twine, have now sent you 15 Candy of the former and 5 candy of the latter, which will bee there delivered you upon receipt of this, which esteeme better then to stay for some from hence, because they may bee tedious comeing to yon. The Ginghams will bee with you on Tewsday. Had not the weather hindred, they should have been with you long Since. The Gunneys &oa. will have their dispatch to Madaras very speedily when shall advise you the needfall. In the Interirn, remaine Your assured friend, AMBROSE SALUSBURY.33
Pettepolee, the 16th December, 1671."
Mr Richard Mohun soa. Councell, My last to you was of the 15th instant, which hope you have received with the Roape and Twine therein Mentioned, which bope will bee Sufficient for your present occasions. The Dyers have caused the Breach of my word in the Ginghams, which accompany this, and doubt not to your content, and hope they are in good tyme, although not soe soone as I expected. Soe soone as the Boates arrived which I writt you the Governour of Beattapande had detained, which I expect to Morrow or next day, they shall proceed, all Being ready. By next shall give you account at large. In the Interim, Sabscribe, Your assured friend, AMBROSE SALUBBURY.
Pettepolee, the 16th December, 1671.
If the dampness of the Shipp should cause the Ginghams to spott (which suppose not, they being well Dyed) you may please to write with them to wash them in faire water and the spotts will not appeare. Otherwise it may bee they may bee esteemed not well Dyed or not know they will endure washing, as our reds will not." 35
"Mr Richard Mohun sc. Counsell, I here inclose the account which hope will give you satisfaction, Haveing Endeavoared Complyance with your order as near as in my power, which hope you will accept. Some of the Gunney people have failed of Complyance and are now my Debtors that I have been forced to bay of others to make good their defect. The Ginghams hope to heare are to your likeing, assure you they are very much Courser then the former that I was fearefull they would not take the Dye. I have not more at present save to assure you that I am Your ready friend and Servant, AMBROSE SALOSBURY.
Pettepolee, the 31th December, 1671." 36
“Mr Richard Mohun fia. Councell, I sent you an account which pray returne, the Boatmen haveing taken out part from one Boate, being over laden. They not willing to venture to Sea, have laden the same upon one that was not fully compleeted, and that you may not bee displeased at the Boatehire Charge as formerly advised, although assure you I offered a Due [ Diu) Boateman 35 and hee would not proceed under 40 pago. I have not more then to assure you that I am Your ready friend and Servant, AMBROSE SALUSBURY.
Pettepolee, the 3rd January, 1671-2." 37 11 Factory Recoris, Manilipatam, Vol. 9.
33 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 5. " See ante, letter of 19th Oct. 1671.
35 Factory Recorde, Manulipatam, Vol. 9. * Factory Records, Masulipatan, Vol. 9.
87 Factory Records, Manilipatam, Yol. 9.