Extract from a "General Letter to the Agent and Counsell at Fort St George" from the Court of Directors, dated London, 18 December, 1671:
"Wee doe also order that Mr Ambrose Salisbury be againe admitted into our Service and that he receive such incoragement as his abillityes and faithfullness in our Service shall merritt."24
Extract from a "Generall Letter to the Cheife and Counsell at Mesulapatam" from the Court of Directors, dated as above:
"Upon creditt of your Recomends, wee have againe enterteyned Salisbury." "
The news of his rehabilitation did not reach Salisbury until the June of 1672. Meanwhile, he continued to transact the Company's business at Peddapalle as before.
Mr Ambrose
"Mr Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, Yours of the 26th presant are received yesterday, which advises your receipt of ours of the 24th and that you will, according to our desires, hasten the roapes and twine therein mentioned, and as for the packing trade ordered to be sent to Madrass, Since the boate agreed for and the moneys paid in part to them for its transport theither, you must keepe to your contract and dispatch it away as soone as you can. The Ginghams, if heere in the time you mention, I hope will be erely enough for the Bay shipping, which wee presume you will not be unmindfull of, Since wee in a verry few dayes expect one from thence, if not all three, which is all save that we remember us unto you, and remaine Your verry loveing freinds, RICHARD MOHUн,20 &ca.
Metchlepatam, the 29th November 1671."
Pettepolee, the 3rd December, 1671."20
"Mr Richard Muhun &ca. Councell, I have received yours of the 29th ulto. In Performance of your order, have sent a boate for Roapes and Twine, but the Governour of Battapunde [? Bapatla] hath sent mee word that noe boate shall pass untill hee have a peice of good redd Cloth for his Master, Mahmud Cawne [Muhammad Khan]. Therefore, pray, by the bearer, send three yards of the best Broad Cloth of 2 pagos. per yard, and if you please not to allow it, Charge mee with it. This Governour hath now detained a Boate of Guuneys about Six dayes and demands juncan,27 Since the falling out about the Garden,28 wee have not had any Message or buisiness till now, and hee knowing that I sent you the Engagement, and in all this tyme you not giveing any reply, doth encourage him, as well it may, to proceed in this manner. Therefore, pray Immediatly send an Effectuall order from your Governour to cause him to Suffer all business to pass freely. The Ginghams are neare done. Had not the Cloudy weather hindred they had been with you now. They will bee with you in good tyme, doubt it not, and the Guuneys &ca. will have dispatch as soone as your Governours Letter received. With Kinde respects, Remaine, Your reall friend, AMBROSE SALEURY.
24 Letter Book, Vol. 4, p. 501.
Factory Records, Masulipatam. Vol. 5.
Customs. See Yale, Hobson-Jobson, who derives it from the Tamil word chungam. See ante, p. 272.
35 Letter Book, Vol. 4, p. 511.
21 Factory Records, Masulipatam, Vol. 9.