I have given earnest and received a bill for the following Goods vist.:
Gurneys at 34 Pr. P. 4760 Pa. ... ... ... 140 0 0 Ditto at 60 Pt. Pa. 600 Pa.
10 0 0 Roapes 160.9 Mds. at 24 Pa, Pr. Md. ... ... ... 87 0 0 Twine 4 Candy 31 Pa.
Pa, 200 0
Pettepolee, the 22th September 1671."
"Mr. Richard Mohun (ca. Courcell, These are to acquaint you that in 10 dayes or 12 you may expect 7100 Gunneys, Soe that if the Bantam shipp with you and your occasions require her stay neare that tyme, a day or two presume will not hinder her proceedings, and if the Fort in present want of Packing stnffe, in my Judgement you cannot have a better opportunity to supply them. The remainder, to compleate the vallue of that summ received last from you, will arrive in good tyme with you, for I hope you will have 5 or 6000 more with you within a month; the rest will follow Soone after. I assure you have used all Dilligence to comply with your desires. If your Intentions for the Dyeing of the Ginghams you mentioned continue, pray procure your Governours Letter to this, that I may have freedome to Employ my Dyers whome I please, for the Late Governoar was goe abusive that many people have left the Government and the Dyers that are here will compell mee to employ them, and forbid my takeing any other unless you send the Letter above desired. I have not more but to assure you my ready desires to comply with any your Commands, which shall apon all occasions endeavour to mannifest, as alsoe that I am Your asgured friend to serve you, AMBROBE SALOSBURY.
Petlepoles 24th September 1671."
Mr. Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, Yours of the 22d Came to hand yesterday, wherein wee observed the quantity of packing trade allready provided, with what now contracted for. The 500 Pagos, already delivered you, wee would have its full vallae sent from Pettepolee to the Fort upon boates, which wee suppose may be hyred there, which wee desire you to doe, and not to send it heither, since it will by soe doeing only ad to its charge, which wee would avoyd what possible, there. fore pray minde it. 200 Pagos. according to your desire wee now send you to be invested as the former, and sent us heither, but would have the Ganneys to be those of 60 for'a Pago. and likewise those for the Fort if possible, but if the other sort of 84 for a Pago, already contracted for and must be received, wee know not how to help it, bat must accept them, which wee desire with all speed may by boate be dispatched for the Fort directly from you, and the Ginghams, as already advised to be dyed red, we shall with what possible speed send you from Madapollam, they being of the same Bort wee sent you the last yeare which pray prepare for. Our Governors letter to your Governor shall send you that you may be permitted to make choyce of your owne dyers without any molestation. We hope this will be timely to prevent the comeing heither of the packing stuff for the Fort, which is the needfull at present from Your Loveing freinds, RichD. MOEUN; Mat. MAINWARING ; GEO. CHAMBERLAINE.
As to Gundall Ancatadrees boate of packing trade which you informed as he had bought in the name of the English, at their arrivall we seized upon them, but the Dutch cheife sent to us that they were his and that he had been imployed by him, upon which we dismissed them.
Metohlepatam the 25th September 1671."
1. Factory Records, Marlipatam, Vol. 9. • Factory Resords, Masulipatam, VoL 5.
1 Factory Records, Marulipatam, Vol. 9.