Salisbury duly arrived at Maculipatam, probab'y early in January 1671. While there, be received the following letter :-"Mr. Ambrose Salusbury, Sir Wm. Langhorne and Mr. Hynmers inten ling this day to Sett forwards towards Madrass, Wee thought good a second time to mind you of your goeing thither, It being our maisters orders for your soe doeing, as wee formerly alvised you, wishing your Complyance in accompanying these Gentlemen thither, and that you accommodate Sir Wm. with tbe Companys Flagg, Trumpets, Creoked hornes, pipes and Drum, which is all at present to tell you wee are Sir, Your Love.nge Friend, RxCHARD Mohun; MATT: MAISWARING ; Geo. CHAMBERLAINE.
Metchlopatam, the 4th February 1670-1."
It is to be presumed that, as directed, Salisbury proceeded to Fort St. George, bat there is no record of his arrival at or departure from that place. In August of 1671 he was once again at Masulipatam, engaged on business of his own, and he subsequently resumed his investments at Peddapalle for the Company. From September onwards he kept up a constant correspondence with Richard Mohan and the Council at Masalipatam.
"Mr. Ambrose Salusbury, Sir, We haveing an order from the Agent and Councell for the Spediest provision of Gannyes and Ropes for theire Occasions at the Fort, it was the Cheifs &ca. intentions upon his first arriveall hure from thence, findeing you here, to have desired your speedy undertakeing it, since we know you are well acqnainted and kjowing in those Commodities, and did the last yeare make provision for us of what we had then occasion to use, but findeing yon then bad some buisness of your owne which Detarded you in this plane, we were not so pressing as otherwise the necessity of that buisness required, which now from your one information being accompl.shed, and your Selfe ready to imbrace your desires, we herewith give you 500 hundred Pa., in the investment of which we minde you to use all possible dilligence for its procury and at the Cheapest and best termes, since it Concernes our masters, wherein with them you will doe your Selie Credit. We likewise remember you of Clearing the last yeares account upon the Same occasion, which is all at present Sive to wish you good success in your undertakuing. We temaine, Sir, your loveing Freinds, RICHARD MOUN; MATTHEW MAINWARING; GEORGE CHAMBERLAINE.
Metchlepatam September 3rd 1671."95
“Mr. Richard Mohun 80a., Esteened friends, Ia performance of your order, inclose the accounts which suppose you will find to agree with your bookes. I did use my utmost endeavoure to agree with the Gunny people and, npon the same condition agreed on last yeare, would have given them out the 500 Pagos, received from you for that account, but their demands are [80] unreasonable that I could not dose with thein, they denying to give more then 50 Gunneys per Pago. and their price for ropes is S Pa. per Twine, 4 Pa, per Candy, pretending want of Rainos hath advanced the price of Hemp, but I am of epinion they will accept the former termes in a day or two. If not, Ball forbesre to give ont money without your order. There is one Gundell Ancatawdree [Gundäla Venkatádri] in Metchlepatam of the Gunney people cast, who hath a long tyme taken the name of the English and under that pretence employeth most of these persons that are best able to comply, and lately received one boates Ladeing of the above Goods and bath now two more Ladeing which you may justly make Seizare on and take at the prime cost which, should hee refuse, and make his address to the Governoar, bee will fleese him when you informe him this action; hee hath given out 150 Pa new lately, which you may please to returne bin, or I will doe it beare to his order, which he cannot deny, for hee hath not any such grant from the king. Please to hasten your order for the money shall remain untill your answer. I shall by next give you account of Alejayech and Dungarees. In the Interim, with kinde respects, close up, resting Your assured friend, AMBROR SALUSURY,97
Pettepolee the 11th September 1671." * Factory Records, Masuligatam, Vol. 5.
» Factory Records, Tasulipatam, Vol. 5. " Alach ah, a dlk cloth.
Factory Records, Manilipatam, Vo.9.