August, 1907.)
The Fire Legend in the Bojigogiji Group. ( The Bëa Version has been already given.)
Balawa Version.
Dim-Dôra - le rita Kori-l'ong-towar - te Puluga l'i toago choapa l'-omo (a Man) long ago (a Place) - by God his platform fire bringing - kate ong ik a kat-pôra puguru -Il-a-re Bolub ka Tarlór. - was he taking all-men burn -t di-di (a Man) and (a Man) ka Bilichau ongot oto - jurugnu -i-ial ongot at yokat mo. and (a Man) they in-the-sea-wen-t-did they
fish becom- wa ongot oaro tiohal-ena - to Rokna-l'ar-tonga-baroij - oloo - dal - ing they carry-taking - by (a Place) -village-in
fire-mak- nga 1'-a -ro' - ing did
Portman's Bendoring. -Dim-Dôra, a very long time ago, at Keri-l'ong-tower, was bringing fire from God's platform. He, taking the fire, burnt everybody with it. Bolub and Tarkôr and Bilichau fell into the sea and became fish. They took the fire to Rokwa-l'ar-tonga village and made fires there.
Bojigyab Version.
TỐl-l'oko-tim-an Bilik l'ong-pat -ye | Luratut | l'ong at ab - lechi - nga | (a Place) - in God sleep-did ( Bird) | he fire bring-ing | Luratut l'ong-di -ye kota ong Bilil l'ab-biki ya kota Bilik l'ong-konyi (& Bird) seized then he God burnt then God
awaken - ye Bilik | l'ong af * - yelong Luratut l'oto -toi-chu - nga
ed God he fire seized he then (a Bird) (with) fire hitting bota kolong
Tarchal l'ote-toi-chu ye Chalter l'ong - di - ye then again he then (a Man) (with) fire-hit - did a Bird) - seized ong Law-Oham - len da - nga Wola-Emi - on ota Lau-Cham n'ony O-kadak-nga. he ancestors - to giving 1 Wota-Emi - in then ancestors they fire-mak-ing.
Portman's Bendorlog.-God was sleeping in T61-l'oko-tima. Luratut went to bring fire. Luretat caught hold of the fire, then he burnt God. Then God woke up. God seized the fire. He hit Laratat with the fire. Then again he hit Tarchal with the fire. Chalter caught hold of it. He gave it to the ancestors. Then the ancestors made fire at W8ta-Emi.
Jūwat Version.
Kuro-t'on-mik (Place) -
a Mom Mirit in Mr. Pigeon
Buik l'oko - eng -t God
peakar at-lo top wood fire - with stealing