MAY, 1907.)
Dana qdxf dil vich dalfl daurdi,
Without good trial go.' He killed and hashed Pir aivén fur na jaén, phir bds azmdén, His cat and dog, and gave them to be cooked Ghar dĩ luttt billi óh tabh kardé,
By the village barber, saying, Fry it well, Kimiyd khub bandyé, phir sömpi nđi,
And pat no water in. The lid do not Ihnún ghéð vich bhunnd, pdn mul na pdin Lift off, and Bâlâ will partake. The true Rinnhin khub bandké, murhôi parda na hatdin Disciple made these songs. Proclaim them Ih khdaf Balé per ne, sdnnd dujii pain.
for Chélé siftan jôrian pash nam sundin.
The Name. The priest in due course beard Kutk billi sunka per dargáhé jáé
about Ja khará dargah vich, ja ars sundi,
The dog and cat, and going into God's Kuttf billi vêkh léi charh riddhi hôi,
Most holy presence said, 'I saw the dog Pir paikambar auliyd nahin khanda kai, And cat which they have cooked. Priests, Munh bismillah parhke, hath chuk pdia thal, prophets, saints, Kuttt billi uthêgi, hukam méré de na!
Have never eaten food like this.' God said, Paihlón kutti uthégi, phir billi nál,
Whenever thou shalt pat thy hand within Kahl karkê chuk léin that uttôn rumál, The dish, say 'In God's Name,' and cat and dog Balé pir Rabb nún, ik gal sundi,
Will rise at my command, the dog and then Ik sandní utrf us ydrvia chahi
The cat. Bat quick the dish uncover.' So Uhndi Rabb murddan dittidi, us bêtd jdi. He told to God a story. Once there was Ohdd putt j quodn hó péyd, buddhi kd; rachdi, A woman, who to God gave one-eleventh Mél mandal us saddiyd, dhólki bajwdi. Of all her income. Gifted he her with Janj vidiyd hô pét, nal turiyd ndi,
A son, who in due time was married. Then Agg& rdh vich jándéan ik nadi si di,
The drums were beat, and the party with Janj par langh gayi, mdllah lei millahi. The barber took their way. A stream they Janj pahuti jdké, nenhan ddré bahdi,
crossed. Té paisd dhéld vartiya, rah changi di,
The boatmen got their fee, the journey full Doli vidiya hó péi, nal tur pei ddi.
Was made, and all and sundry dues being paid
Homewards they came, the barber's wife Aggb rất tích jamđềan, ôtô mada đi,
herself Sané janj doli dub gay, phir dhar na ái, Being with them, but midway across the stream Báráh varhé rôndi rahi phir Rabb ds The bride with palanquin, and all the rest pahunchdi.
Were drowned and lost. The mother wept for Jan Bald pir nú saddd karló, aggé farsh twelve bichdönd.
Long years, and God restored them.' Danâ Nafrán jdké Shah nun kiha, roti khá nurbánd called Aggé Shah dé sdvd tota, zikr karé subhdna, For Bâlâ, spread a carpet for him, sent Hukam kita Shah Roshan tdin, Samajhé His servants with a message, Come, my lord.' kaisd khand ?
A parrot white did shout loud praise to God, Amar Ilahi véhi dyd, môyd tuddh jdwdia . But Bålå Shah said to Shah Roshan, Dost Dane khudi dharo kamdyd, Rabb né mul na Thou know what sort of food this is ?' then bhdna.
came Jad khdně uttón parda lahiya, hôyd khel rab- A heavenly message, Thou shalt raise the bána.
dead, Kutti billi zinda ho gayi, chummé gadam For Dânâ has deceived thee. God doth like shahdna.
Him not. The dog and cat were presently Manje utte gayd baitha udde ud asanán, About the feet of Bala, licking them, Héthan Dand karê salaman dur hôyd habodna. And Bala on his cot rose to mid heaven.