[MAY, 1907.
Bhangard & l& gaib dé 16 uddan Whagold, Sail karin masit dá na rakhin raula, Rabb kisf nahas vé khiya, mássd ki told, Balá ákhe Rabb nur, dé pak pahan, Nál mére for paô, phir hóké sach nás. Jados musit varenga léis aggôn vekh, Main sámné hô khalôvángá faqirán de thékh, Rabb bandye, Baléa, téré wokché lékh, Térí sání nahin koi, hô dê han anek, Bálá pir partké masít val jáén, Aggé schalota Rabb sí, While sámné jain. Matha têké Rabb ndri Shah sis Marai, Chélé siftáis jórida parh nám ráin. Bálá pir masit vich, báh artás kardá, Nále për kaháðndá nálé Rabb this darda Panj wagt namda guadrda bah andar parāda, Mang dud Rabb thôn pir par bahar si dharda. Ptr masfton nikliyd, hô aggé nálói changa Kandida diggidi gürraké, khús ho gdyá nanga. Shahr sdrá si vêkhdd, Id dil di sangá.
And help me, save me from dishonour.'
The Disciple has composed these songs, by help Of Durgå, goddess eloquent. God said,
O BAIA, thou art simple, take for me Strange vehicles unseen, and flying beds, And move about the mosque unbarmed. Let
not This thing remain disputed. None has seen God, nor does any know what weight or
size He is.' So Bâlâ said to God, Give bread, Even boly bread to me, and with me be A true Name. When I enter look on me : I in the garb of holy man will stand Before thee. God made for thee, Balâ, fate, Good fortune. Second hast thou none, al.
though Pirs there are a many.' BAIA Plr returned And straight advanced towards the mosque.
God there Was standing. Bâlâ went to Him, and bowed His head. The true disciple has composed These hymns, and reads them to proclaim the
Name. Within the mosque our BAIA sat and prayed To God. A priest was he and reverent. Five times he prayed, and then appeared an
hurt Without the door, when orash the masjid
walls Fell flat; the well lay there exposed to view Of all the world. The whole town saw and
stared. They cursed the Qazt Dana, saying, Thou Hast meanly done.' But Bala stood before Them in the open. Dânâ planned again. We'll feed the priest," he said, and sent for
him A robe of honour. "We'll not let him go. We'll say he never came.' And so be called The cooks most skilful of the town and loads Of ghi and four prepared, and said, 'I will Kill rams and goats when Bâlâ comes to be My guest.' So cakes and rice and all things
good He had the flavour spread afar. These
songs The true disciple made, and sings them for The Name. 8o Dinâ thought, This priest
shall not
La'nat dándé Dáné qúef nún, kan litá nahli
changa. Pir masítós mika!ké, phir bhar dyd, Dáne qdsi dil vich, hôr shuugal jagáyd, Pirro jád khake sir ô på mangrayá, Ihndi jár na détrá, pir kadhi nahin dyan Karigar sab shahr de Dand mangrode, Gold da khong da nha ghét ago, Kuati dumbá bakro Shah jab ghar dd, Andranod kachaurlai kasdh bansode, Ghed maids moke, palewdri hadde, Baabattf 16 mushkand», chdwal mangrodd, Tarkt laggan pulad ndi khushbos jas, Chald siftdi jordi park nim sunde,