APRIL, 1907.)
Dove usde bal sdn, rahin mdta nd!, Nau danú panj dérté Rabb lai laye ndį. Matthétikke laké vés unhdi dhalé, Jinêu mdidi pahinké dhôti parnd las, Ders Balé per dá, ja karn sawal. 7Bald pir bhagat hai, sdddd vurt updr Jo ghar di jdedat si, per sabbhe lai vagge. Shahr vará jdké rakhá bdniye dê aggé. Véche nd! lifdde hath ddné lagge, Pir partiya kah! nd!, ghar jag suraggé. Bals nuri për né chhe chakki chuhdi Pir áhnda kafli nû mêre addh rajdin Loh Mdi mdla dhar ditti, parsád pakdi. Ann pakka par dhér sí, rahi kama na kdi A8 rasôi jiêu lô, méré Thakur sdir. Cheld aftdi jöridi, parh nam sundin sadh khan nun d gayê karke Rabb di do, ROK khdid vekhle nd! riddhd nghin mds.
The ruins there. Two sons be had, Mahin Their mother lived with them. Nine genii And angels five God took with Him. They
had The sacred marks upon their foreheads
Threads And rosaries they had, and garments used By holy men. All in this guise they came To Bâlmik's house. They said, 'A priest of
God Art thoa, O Bâlâ, give us food our fast To break. The priest took all his house
hold goods And sold them in the town to purchase corn Enough to satisfy them. Home he came, And set six mills agoing. Kafļi, soe,' Said he, the men of God be satisfied.' Then Mother Mabin cooked their food upon The fire. Enough there was and more. Now
Said Bala, dine, ye men of God, my friends.' This song the true disciple made-toll forth The glory of the Name. Those godly mon Sat soon to dine, with hope in God. It is Bat bread, they cried, "There is no flesh,
We thought Audit Bald pir samajhsa odhi koi Rabb That BAIA was a servant of the Lord.' dd dda.
(Without a fear the true disciple sings.) (Chéid siftan jordd ho bé visas)
We heard thou wert a mighty man of God. Ass di td suniyd sath bhagat ta koi Rabb dd And hast thou entertained us with such food bhard.
As this is? What is this that thou hast Aiven val bahdor ki ketôi kdrd.
done ? Hui tdi jaké mangda, kbird divard
At some king's door we might have begged Mas pakaks khud kdi, jag kar khdi odrd.
for alms. sddh challé ruské kaun mandurihard.
Oook flesh and feed us, make a sacrifice Cheld siftdi jöridi kar 'aqi niyard.
Complete. They rose dissatisfied. Who Bala ndri per si manduan jdin
could Miliya jdké sadhadi lammé qadam chaldi, Restrain them? Reason's eyes had then the Miliye ja ujdr vich w aru sundi,
true Bhukhi duniya dhér hai, phir vich lukde.
Disciple when he made this song. A priest Mérd kunka chalés chhadké ki dil vich di.
Of light was Bâlâ, therefore ran he quick Chele siftdi joridi, parh ndm sundin
To plead with them. He met them in the sadh aggði partke phir sukhan sundi,
wilds D8 têre ghar bal no chîr déghé pdin
And made request. There are a many men J6 sat vdri Ishrodhinh hai tdi môr le jdii.
That wander in the world. Why did you not J& Rabb piydrd tudh nun idi bal khôvdin.
Taste my poor offering : what thought kept Pir mandké sduhuda mur ghar sal dya,
back Bdlak dôvé kháddá bdhiron mangwde.
Your favour P.' The disciple franied this
song. They answered him, Thou hast two sons at .. home,