DECEMBER, 1906.]
Ik rang shah ka kala. Assi dhadhai chhinján mangnéan.' Taborale mangiyd Shah ká halá. Sab kujh wdfir höyá né, Jo dastúr niyára. Mal bhariéngé chuk dharienge. Gal vich phirdå sahaj piydra. Pirir khi khd mömin jandé né. Súrib sablonan d4 rakhwald. Dhadd vajjí té paridi utrián. Lad, mardi, mall akhdrá. Phir dhadd rahi, phir chhinj pa. Lajd asli án-s-aķhdra. Mardan mard vangárangé. Shúmin mêrá zor dd satrúnd. Ga! ssli sir, tópi sohindi né : Solinda séli nd! phumman kala. Tharhar tharhar karé dumdrá. Lal masrú dl kainch són di ne. Shih mērá laga karné aķhard. Mür kainch pir vich variyá né. Sab mulk bi vékhanhård. Phar jhôséá Mihr Muqaddam nu. Pharké kardá dúr niyåra. Phir jumbish karké pharéð ré. Wich tarla karé tumhára. Térd suni nahin kai, Lil Rhin Tun ustad hai mard hamárd. Jó jó matlab lend hai, Sab likhké karé niyard. Othé ghord jorú milid né, Dérá vidiya höyá tumhdrd.
The mutton should be of black sheep only. We want driving and wrestling grounds, He asked a bell as tribute for the Shah. All was given in abundance, According to the distinctive custom. We will fill the vessels and place them. In the assembly our beloved walks about. Then the believers eat and go. God protects them all, The drums beat, and fairies descended. The crowd gathered, my friends. The drum stopped, the wrestling began. A real wrestling match began, The brave will challenge the brave. My lord is very powerful. A necklace round his neck, a gold cap on his
head : A plume of black silk on it. The bystanders quiver with excitement. On his loins is a gold cloth. My Shah began to wrestie. With tight breeches he came forward. All the world looked on. He held Mihr Muqaddam and shook him. He seized and threw him. Again closing on him, he seized him. But he entreated you. You have no second, Lal Khan. You are our master, brave ma. Whatever you wish, Write all and we will give it. There he received a horse and suit, And then his party took their departure.
Arshan thin latha Bala: Din de chdh. Har har jagah ika!! he hólce, Kcrn salámán jd. Norme de topi Shah di, Plulldi di hard, Hith Shah dé lalá tán, Paun di hawa. Chashka Shah Hild tdci, Khwájé siddá ja. Ik lakh chaurási chhéran Magrôn milidi já. Rackhán Rósdiwdļe patlan Langå ydyd ja. Sukhd Balôch langan nahin denda. St, khế Baloch núi sôi sahira part là.
Bâlâ came from heaven For the sake of religion. They gathered in every place, And began to salute him. l'he Shâh's cap is of fine cotton, Light as flowers. i Under the Shah is a grey horse, Swift as the wind. Riding his grey horse the Shah, Goes straight to the Khwaja. A lakh and eighty-four thousand servants Go behind him. The ferry of Rukban Rôrânwâle He fords. Sukha Baloch will not let him pass. He shows Sukhâu Baloch a miracle.