A NATIVE ACCOUNT OF THE THIRTY-SEVEN NATS. Being a Translation of a rare Buurm se Manuscript.
Preface. T THILE procuring information for an account of the Thirty-Seven Nats, published ante,
. Vol. XXIX. pp. 117, 190, &c., and for the separate illustrated work on the subject, entitled The Thirty-Sevn Nats, a Phase of Spirit Worship prerailing in Burma (London: Grigys, 1906), I secured in 1892 a copy of a rare Burmese MS. of 1820 on the Nats from one Maung Kyaw Yan, « carver of Rangoon, and of this I now give a translation made in 1894. I very mnch regret that I overlooked the possession of this Ms. and its translation when preparing the abovementioned article and work for the Press, as its contents would have be a of material value to both. However, I now give the translation of the MS. in full for the benefit of students.
Accounts of the Thirty-Savon Nats. Reverence to him that is Blessed, Holy, and Omniscient.
In compliance with the commands of the Heir-Apparent communicated on the 5th waxing of Tasaungmôn, 1167 Sakkaraj [ 1805 A. D. ] Thirimahajêyyathu, afterwards Atwin wun and Governor of Myawadi, bearing the title of Mingyi Mahathilatha, drew up an account of the Thirty-Seven Nats, treating of the manner in which ceremonies and festivals were held in their honour, the dress worn by the mediums at such festivals, and the music played on such occasions. The account was compiled on the 4th waxing of Thadingyut, 1132 Sakkaraj (1820 A. D.), in the southern apartments of the Palace, in consultation with the musicians Nga Myat Thâ and Nga Tarok, the head medium Kawidê wagyaw, and many other experts conversant with the subject.
The Thirty-Seren Nats. 1. Thagga Nat.
20. Medaw Shwêsagâ Nat. 2. Mahâgiri Nat.
21. Maung Pô Tů Nat. 3. Hnamâdaw Taung-gyishin Nat.
22. Yun Bayia Nat. 4. Shwênabê Nat.
23. Maung Minbyů Nat. 5. Thônbàn Hla Nat.
24. Mandale Bodaw Nat. 6. Taang-ngu Shin Mingaung Nat.
25. Shwêbyin Naun w Nat. 7. Mintara Nat.
26. Shwêbyin Nyidaw Nat. 8. Thàndawgàn Nat. .
27. Mintha Maung Shin Nat. 9. Shwê Nawratâ Nat.
28. Tibyûsaung Nat. 10. Aungzwâmàgyi Nat.
29. Medaw Tibyúsaung Nat. 11. Ngâzishin Nat.
30. Bayin à Mingaung Nat. 12. Aungbinle Sinbyushin Nat.
81. Min Sithů Nat. 13. Taungmàgyi Nat.
32. Min Kyawzwa Nat. 14. Myauk Minshin Nat.
33. Myaukpet Shinma Nat. 15. Shindaw Nat.
84. Anauk Mibaya Nat. 16. Nyaung-gyin Nat.
35. Shingôn Mat. 17. Tabin Sb wedi Nat.
36. Shingwå Nat. 18. Minyè Aungdin Nat.
87. Shir Nemi Nat. 19. Shệ Sitthin Nat. 1 1. e., Buddha.
? ... the Eashēmin. This prince was the son of King BódawphayA (1781-1919 ) and wever succeeded his father, but both his own sons, BAjdaw (1819--1 37) and Tharwadi (1837-1813), reigned ante, Vol. XXI. p. 289.
* This list is exactly the sams as to the order of the names as the list pnt forward by me in the works above quoted and almost identical as to the form of the names. These frote are of interet, as the correctness of my names, and alloontion has been disputed, and they are ia strong coufirmation of the other proofs of the socuracy of my list that I have already produced.