[JULY, 1905.
140.-- Not knowing this reality, the propensity
to this sin remaing5e : such is the unspeakable eminence thou hast attained.
140 droshdi.yons .gu .ma.mkhyen.cin
non mons. hdi.yi.bag .chags.ni lhag.malus. ses.mi. bañad.pahi
I go.hphan.de.ni.khyod.kyis . brñes 141 | khyod . kyis. bar.da.gcod.gguna.gan!
| res. par.de .dag. bar.du.gcodo khyod .kyis . lam batangan lags.pa
de goig.kbo nanes. par.bbyin 142 | deyis.bar.gcod. minusse. ham
deyisnes.hbyin.mi.hgyur.es I gžan.gyi klanka.cha.sas.kyan . dela.srid. pa.ms .mchis.80
141. - What by thee has been defined as obstacle,
in truth those things are obstacles ; what roads have been by the shown, those only are the real solutions.
142. Thereby is an obstacle not possible
surely,' thereby a solution is not found,' such censures on the part of others have there, even in a fraction, no
being. 143. - By thee nought conquerable is uncon.
quered, nought knowable unilluminated : while thon thyself, Isvara, art all knowing, all conquering, none other is so.
143 | khyod . kyis • rgyal.bgyi .margyal.
min ses. bya.mi.snan.bgyis.ma.mchis |dban . phyag • khyod . ñid . kun. mkhyen.cin
1008 kun.rgyal.lags kyi gian.ma lags
144.- Since the strong has no fear, that thou
apprehendest not is known : that being master of force thou despisest not any, there is the wonder.
144 stobs . ldan hjigs . mi . hgyarbas.
khyod mi bañons.gan lags .riga.lags.na mthu.mnah.bžindu.hgah. layan
khyad.da.mi.gsod.gan.de.rmad 145 log. pahina.rgyal.can.hgah.zig
| dregs.dai.hbral.ba.mdzad.pagan Igdul.b& .yi.ni .thabstsamste
desni stobs.sñems.yon. malage 146 hjigorten. dag.na.stobs • Idan.pas
kun.las.rgyal.es .gan. brjod.pal deni.gzan. la .bstod.par.bas I go.hphan.de.ni • khyodlardzogs
145. - To make one possessed of wrong
conceit act without arrogance, thineol only means is self-restraint: therefore
the pride of strength suffices not. 146. In the world the strong conquers all,'
of this saying in praise of others enough! That eminence is in thee perfect.
147 hdren.pakhyodla.chos.mthun.par
[1058] Ihgas.kyan. brgal.bar.nos.mslags
klan.ka .btsal. hos .ma . lags.tel | nons.mi.mnah. bahibde.ba .bres
147.- Against thee, Guide, none can rightly
make reproach: a sinless merit, deserving no utterance of censure, bast thou won.
148 | nons.mi.mrah.bas gan la.kyan|
| bài •ni barui • bar •bgyi+mihtshall | bài • bo •yong •bu •rdzogs • glad •đa| khyod .la sus.kyan.glags.mi.thod
148.- Enough of sinless'! Even what four
acts need not to be observed, even those four being fulfilled, in thee is fonndes by none an occasion.
• Rendering doubtful
thod !- thob?
gtaod, Pet.
the '? *. c. 'a fault,'' work spot,' chidra, marma.