131 las chos.yan.dag.blang.pa .yil
rnam.smin.dus.nithams.cad.pa sa kan.rtogs.pa.thams.cad.ni
99b |rnam • kan • khyod • mkhien gian:
gyis min
| 131- Of an act which has assumed a dharma
[quality), the perception of all times and every place of ripening by thee is in all ways known, by others not.
132 rnal.hbyorsani.malus.pa
182. - The yogabhümis without exception, with kunnas.ñon.mons .rnam.gzag dan
sin altogether put away, and accom| rnam.par.byan.bcas.zab.mor. bcas
panied by entire purity and depth, thou khyod .gcig. kho nasthugs.su.chud
alone dost verily set in thy mind. 183 dban.po.mchog.dai .chog.min.pal | 133. - The intellectual powers good and not chui danhbrindan.chen.po.dan
good, small and medium and great, cha.sas.dbye.ba.mthah.yas.pa
with their infinite parts and varieties, khyod • las gan gyis . rtogs.ms.
by others than thee are not conceived. mchis 134 | mthan.par.hgyur.ba.gan lags. dan 184. - All the powers of man, such as are mi.mthun.hgyar.ba.gań. lags.pa
conformable, and such as are not mi.yi.nus.pagnatshogs. kun
conformable, thon alone dost verily set khyod.gcig.kho.nas.thugs.su.chud
in thy mind. 135 hic.rten.hdi khamg sna tahogs.tel 135. - This world being of various elements, sna.tshogs • khamg. ñid .mthah. dag.
the various elemental essences in fall, ni
the various kinds of elements, by thee sna-tshogs • khams.dbye • khyod • gcig. alone are known, by others not.
pus | mkhyen gyi.gian.gyis •ma • lags. 80
[104 b) 136 rgyadan.rkyen.ni.gnatshogs. las 136. - The production of the various perceptions sna tahoga.mnon.par.hgrab.pani
from various causes and accessories kuntu.hgro.bahi . lam stobs.kyis
thou, with a force the path of which thams . cad. khyod . kyis thugs •80.
penetrates in every direction, dost set chud
all in thy mind. 137 thog.med. srid. par.byan badan | 137.- What exists in a state without beginning tha.ma. med. par.hbyun.gyur.gan
and what endlessly comes into being, de la.khyod .kyis .ye .éesnil
therein thy knowledge pierces as with mnon.sum. bżin. du głige.pa.hjag!
visual perception, 138 | son.gyi .mthah. dan . phyi. mahi. 138. - The completion of the world at its former
and latter end, and the composition of hjig.rten.yai dag.hgrub.pa.dan
its essence, are by thee as it were neare de.bčin.ñid.mtahamssbyor. bani
beheld. mthah.yi.barbäin.khyod .kyis.gzigs
139 |ñehamyan na rin yan.run
139. - That near or far, whatever it be, to thee ljiltar.khyod .la .mnon.sampai
is manifest, so far has darkness together deltar.sgrib.pa .bag .chaga dan
with propensity been by thee abandoned, | boas.te .kh yod.kyis.spaña .pe .lags
mthak-yi bar - antike!