JULY, 1905.]
98 rtag tu dam pahi spyod.pa⚫lam.
dan Idan |
byas dan ma byas thob pa yan. dag rig pa mkhyen |
chod pa che mish phyag bgyir hos pa⚫mtshuis. med. pa| hdud par hos pahi dgra beom. khyod la phyag⚫htshal.lo
99|dpe med yid hon sku mnah khyod. la phyag htshal.1045 |
Imchog tugsun sñan.mion.sgrogs. khyod la phyag⚫htshal.lo|
Idri med rnam dag thugs. mňah. khyod la phyag⚫htshal.lo
98 a
Iyon tan tshoga bsgoms bdag ⚫ñid. khyod la phyag⚫htshal.lo |
46 htshale, I. O.
100 in žes beam pas sans⚫ rgyas ⚫la. hdud pa
|dri ma med labkrasisthams.cad. kyis
char yan mi phod. mchod sbyin. kun.gyis min |
Idkah thub. brtul zugs. min. te.khrus. kun.min|
101|thub pahi dbai pola hdud⚫pa | Isñan par grags sin. dpal.du.byed | Isdig pathams cad drans nas.hbyin | Igzi.brjid dag kyan.rnam par hphel |
108 | de Itar yon tan man beams.sin
Ilus kyan hjigs pahinan⚫ beams.na Imkhas gan sans rgyas phyag htshal. las |
Ilus kyi las gan spyad par byed |
104|hchi bdag sel bar byed. pa.yil |bstan pa hdi ni nub gyur.cin | Ikan n nas mun bas khebs gyur na Igan zig lani.bkur⚫sti.bya |
98. To thee, whose is the way of ever righteous living, knower of the perfect science that reaches both things done and things not done, whose was the Great Resolve, the Worthy to be Hailed, the Peerless, the Arhat Worthy of Homage, hail!
T Bic.
102 | dgrarnams. thams cad sel bar byed| 102. Dispels all enemies, and establishing in
hjig rten dag na mi rnams.kyi| Irgyud ni bde hgror nes byed.cin| Ines mthar i bahi hbras bur smin |
happiness the race of men in the worlds, at last is ripe for the fruit of resignation.
99. To thee, with thy winning form unequalled, hail! To thee, with the glory of thine exceeding pleasant speech, hail! To thee, with thy stainless- soul most pure, hail! To thee, whose self is instinct with the sum of the virtues, hail!
100. The theme,' with pure homage; so thinking, to Buddha not all things well omened may cope even in a part, not all sacrifices,not the ascetic's severities, not all bathings,46
He who renders homage to the lord of sages makes to prosper the tree of his fame, uproots all sins, and increases his prestige,
103. Reflecting upon many virtues such as these, and reflecting on the body as of a terrifying's nature, whoso is wise performs other bodily acts after salutation, to Buddha,
Should this teaching of him who banishes the Lord of Death have sunk, covered with darkness, to whom must honour be paid ?
48 ? read hig, 'perishable.'