JULY, 1905.]
29 | mtha • bdog.mirtag.par.yanzugs 2 9.- Since even to a strong man ever faithful gyur.la
this assemblage of good21 is exceedingly dal. hbyor. hdi.yan • sin tu dkah.be
difficult, what of others who, enticed las
away from it, are not earnest in this Igan. dag. las . hdi. la.ni.mi. brtson.
work? pa de las • balus. par. gyar.pa.gian.ci. yod 958 sans rgyas boom ldanhdas.la.
In the hymn to Buddha, “The bstod .pa . bsnags • par hos . pa.
Delineation of the Worthy to be bsnags.pa.las. bstod . par. minus.
Delineated," the first chapter, entitled per.bstod .pages.bys.ba.sto. Jehu.
"The Celebration of Him who Cannot dai. poho Il
be celebrated,"
Chapter II. 30 boom . ldan.khyod nizal. béuge. tshe 3 0. O holy one, in the time of thy presence | bdag .ni .daddbar.gzol •gyur.ba
here I was of a mind open to faith, I gaislad.thugs.rjes.brlan .pa .yil
wherefore thou didst look upon me [99 b ]
with the eye of Buddha moistened by sans rgyas spyan.gyis.gzigs.mdzad.
31 | khyod .kyi. thugs • rje.de.Bidni
1 yid .ls .mchis.pa.mnon.bgyis nas I phyag.bgyir • hospa. khyod. labdag! mion.sum.bindu.phyag • htshallo!
31,- That same compassion of thine being in
thy heart, as is manifest, thee worthy to be hailed, I hail as if manifested.
32 kan.mkhyen .ma . lags. gangis.kyan
kun.mkhyenkhyod koji. Itar.rtogs | bdag.ñid.che.rgyas . bdag.õid .kyis mkhyen pekhyod . ls.phyag.htshal. lol
82.- Hail to thee who, with a soul large with
magoanimity, knowest how even by him that is not all knowing thou verily art seen to be all knowing !
33. -
33 | hdi . lagshdi.hdraho.des.bgyir.
| khyod bdag.hdra. bahi.yal.ma .lags Igan lags .gan.hdra.han.mi.snow.ste khyodhdra.ba.la.phyag.htshal . lol
This is like this' - if so we say, thou art not within the sphere of comparison. Not venturing what is like to wbat, thee, like to thyself, bail!
34 mgon. pokhyod .ni .ñid. dan hdra | rgyal . rnams.ci . hdra • khyod . dan.
hdra I gaihdra.gian.hgahan.ma.mchis.pa de. hdra.khyod .la .phyag.htshal . lol
34. - O lord, like to thyself alone, what kings
are like to thee? Hail to thee, whose like none other is !
35 jiltar.khyod.ni.id .kyis mkhyen 35.- As thou art by thyself only known, as I ji . ltar. kbyod .ni . khyod • hdras
thou art known by him that is like thee, mkhyen
As others than thee know thee not, to I ji Itar.khyod-gian.mahtshal.ba
thee, being such, hail ! | de.hdra.khyod • la phyag.htahallo 31 (dal.hbyor - kpananampad. P.)
Does this refer to the story told by I-tsing (trans, p. 157) do!