August, 1903.)
No. 47. Copper -
Ow. - Some animal, surrounded by a circle of dots.
Reo. - Inscription in Tamil. No. 48. Copper -
Obo. - () Circle of dots round.
Rev. — (0) No. 49. Copper -
Obv. - (1) Vishņu and his two wives.
Rev.-(?) Inscription in Tamil. No. 60. Copper -
Obo. - (1)
Rev. - An inscription. No. 61. Copper -
Ob. - Bull, Nandi, facing left.
Rev. - (?) • This is a very thin coin, if it is a coin at all which I doubt. It appears to me more like a token or keepsake, perhaps issued by a temple. No. 52. Copper - Obo. - Vishņu seated; chants and chakra on each side of his head ; double lamp (?) below,
on left. Rer. - An insoription. The characters look plain, but I can make nothing of them. The
lines are divided perpendicularly, and the letters in the middle appear to read a above,
and ma in the centre. This coin was found in the old fort of Dantavaktronikota in the village of Purusbottapuram, in the Chicacole taluka of the Ganjam district. No. 68. Copper -
Obv. - A single letter, in a circle of dots, apparently the Nagar da.
R .-- () No. 54. Copper -
Obo. - Ganesa, on a plain field.
Re-An illegible Nägart inscription. No. 58. Copper -
Obd. - Nandi, to left; the head very high above the body. Rev.- A trident, or trisala, with some lettering at sides.
A coin with trident in Ool. Biddulph's collection has a fish on the obv., and is possibly Pandyan.
No. 68. Copper -
Obo, - A horse trotting, facing left. Reo. - Apparently a number; horisontal lines below.
This may be one of the Mysore series of small coins baving animals and other devices on the obu. sod cbaquer pattern with symbols on the roo.; but, if so, it is a variety. One of the Mysore coins noted on p. 29. of Mr, Tharston's Catalogue, No. 5 (PLIV.2), has horse, but the design is different, and on the rou, the symbols are not so prominent, the chequer pattern and symbols having all the same value. In my coin the lines are subservient to the aumbers or letters.