(Avaun, 1901.
No. 88. Copper -
(A muob-injared little coin.] Ob.- A sword hilt, and part of blade ; bilt upwarda, guard to loft. A dataood inscrip
tion round. Reo. An inscription in characters that look like Tamil, No. 89. Copper -
Obr. - A gracefully designed tree-branch with buds. Roo. -An inscription in Nagari characters, evidently the name of a sovereign. The letters
are, many of them, clear enough, but I have not been able, myot, to waign the
coin ; and I prefer to submit it to be deciphered by others better informed. I have never seen any other south-Indian coin with a similar obrerse, and believe it to belong to the North. Is it Sikh ? No. 40. Copper -
Oby. (8)
Rep. - Inscription. No. 41. Copper -
Obo.- A standing god ; arms apraised.
Rev. - Inscription. No. 42. Copper -
Obo. (*)
R.. -- Inscription in Arabic or Pervian. No. 48-A. Copper -
Obo.- Debased standing Chola figure ; some symbol on left side.
Rev. — Inscription in Tamil characters, " Pudu --." No. 48-B. Copper -
Obo. - Similar to 48-A, Rev. - Inscription in Tamil characters," - duche' -." Are those legends " Puduchéri,"
1.e., Pondicherry P No. 19-0
Obo. and Rev. - Similar. A better specimen of the same coin. No. 48-DObo, and Rev. - Similar. But here, ander the pu is another character, which would prevent
us from reading Puduchéri. No. 4. Copper -
Obo. - God on odhana (1).
Rev. - Inscription, No. 45. Copper - Obv. - A well-designed elephant, facing right; tail up, with a double end; Arabic character
alif abovo. Double circle and circle of dots. Rev. - ?)
This appears to me almost certainly Mysore coin of Tol Sultan, but in those figured in Tharton's and Tufnell's Lista non. have the tail uplifted, with double and, fucing right, and the alif above. No. 46. Corper -
Obu. - A roughly-designed elephant, facing to right; Arabic date above(); fotiated circle pound. Rev. Inscription in Arabic characters, This also looks like a Mysore coin of Haidar or Tipa, but I do not and it in the pablished lista.