[JUNE, 1903.
Javanese. 1829, Bruckner's translation of the N. T. was printed for the Batavia Bible Society, 3000.
'Several other unnamed 'works' are also reported.
Kanarese (Called Kurnata, &c.)
1822, N. T., 1000.
1817, A Grammar of the Kurnata Language, by Dr, W. Carey. Kanauji (Dialect of Western Hindi. Called Canoge, Kanooj, &c.). 1821, N. T., 1000. Kasmiri (Called Cashmire, &c.)
1820, N. T., 1000. (Dated 1820 in Native Character, and 1821 in English.) 1827, Pentateuch, 1000.
1832, Historical Books (in the press), 1000.
All these in the Sâradâ character.
Khassi (Called Khasee). 1816, Matthew. (? No. of copies.)
1827, N. T., 500.
Kumaun! (Dialect of Central Pahari. Called Kemaoon, &c.). 1824, N. T. to Eph. iii. 17 in the press, 1000.
Konkani (Dialect of Marathi. Called Kunkuna). 1818, N. T., 1000. 1821, Pentateuch,
1819, N. T., 1000.
1826, N. T., 1000.
Lahnda (Western Panjab. Called Wuch and Mooltanee). Magahi (Dialect of Bihari. Called Magudh, Mughudh, &c.). Malay. 1814, N. T. for Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, in the Roman character, from the text of the Edition of 1731, for the use of Native Christians at Amboyna. 3000 copies.
1817, The whole Bible in the Roman character. 3000 copies,
1817, N. T. in Arabic character. See 1821, below.
1819, Matthew, in the Roman character, 500.
1820, Matthew in the Arabic character, 1000.
1821, The whole Bible in the Arabic character. The following is the history of this Edition: It was decided by the Calcutta Auxiliary Bible Society, in 1814, to reprint the Bible in the Arabic character from the Edition of 1758, but the difficulty of finding trustworthy proof-readers, added to the imperfections of the old version as to spelling and the inclusion of a large number of Arabic terms, made a revision imperative. Major MacInnes and the Rev. R. L. Hutchings, Chaplain of Penang, were entrusted with the revision. The N. T. was issued in 1817, having been revised by Major MacInnes at Penang, and afterwards by Mr. Hutchings at Serampore. Mr. Hutchings then went on with the revision of the O. T., which was issued in 1821 in two editions, one in 4to, to form a complete Bible along with a reprint of the N. T. of 1817, and the other in 8vo, uniform with a N. T. in 8vo. The numbers of these editions were 3000 8vo N. T., 2000 4to Bible, and 1000 8vo O. T. 1810, A Comparative Vocabulary of the Burma, Malayu, and Thai Languages, by
Dr. Leyden.
? Date, Baxter's Call to the Unconverted, translated by Jabez Carey. ? No. of copies.