(JUNE, 1908.
The Moogdhubodha or Grammar of Vopa Devs. ? Date. This is advertised
as a Bengali publication in the Tenth Memoir. It is probably the Sanskrit Mugdhabodha, in Bengali characters, published in 1807. See
Sanskrit. I can find no other trace of it. The Batrisha-Singhasun, or 22.imaged Throne, written in Bengalee by
Mritoonjaya Vidyalunkar. 1st Edn., 1802 ; 2nd, 1808. The Hitopadesha, or Salutary Instruction, translated into Bengalee from
the original Songskrita, by Mritoonjaya Vidyalunkar. 1st Edn., 1808; 2nd, 1821. A previous translation into Bengali by Golak Nath
Pundit,' was published at Serampore in 1802. Raja Vali; a History of India, composed in Bengalee by Mritoonjaya
Vidyalunkar. 1838. The Gooroodukhina, containing the celebrated verses of Chanikhya, &c.;
translated into Bengalee by Gopal Turkulunkar. ? Date. This entry is taken from an advertisement in the Tenth Memoir. An edition of the first chapter of the Sanskrit text, with a Bengalee translation, by Mathura Mohun Datt, facing it, was published at Serampore in 1818.
Kubita Rutnakur, or a Collection of the Sungekrita phrases most commonly
introduced into conversation by the Natives, with a full account of them, and a translation into Bengali. By Baboo Neel Rutna Haldar.
1st Edn., 1825; 2nd, 1830. Also a large series of tracts, and other publications for educational purposes,
of which we may mention the Dig-dursbon, or Indian Youth's Magazine, edited by J. O. Marshman. Two editions were issued, one
bilingual (English and Bengali), and the other in Bengali only. Bhatneri (South Panjab. A mixed dialect. Called Bhutneer). 1826, N. T., 1000. Bhotia of Bhotan or Lhoke. 1826, A Dictionary and Grammar of the Bhotanta or Boutan
Language, by the Rev. F. C. G. Schroeter. Edited by J. 0. Marshman
and W. Carey. Bikaner (Dialect of Rajasthani. Called Bikaneer). 1820, N. T., 1000. Braj Bhakha (Dialect of Western Hindi. Called Braj and Bri). 1822, the Gospels, 3000,
1827, N. T., 8000. Burmese (Called Burman). 1815, Matthew, 2000. 1826, Matthew (2nd Ed.), 8500; John,
2000; Acts, 8000; Hebrews, 3000 ; Epistles of John, 8000. A Grammar of the Burman Language, by the late Rev. Mr. F. Carey. P Date.
It was in the press in 1813, and was not finished in 1814. After this I can
find no mention of it. 1810, A Comparative Vocabulary of the Burma, Malayu, and Thai Languages,
by Dr. Leyden. 1825, An English and Burman Vocabulary, preceded by a concise Grammar, by
G. H. Hough. . Also four tracta.