[MAY, 1908.
bāmòn-po -mek pring-ol rôcho-isāmár-äphan nang-arju-la, nangli-tum-along the-Brahman his eyes opened-having Ting's children to there asked, "Your Honour with
khäddt-nang-kāpāthu-dun X-OBO ko-natlo?' Rēcbo-abomir pa-det, nàng labangso A-048 cowries-here-playing companion boy whore !' King'schildren said, 'you that boy
A-ban pa-tē, nē-tum phäro isi adobon pi-ai nàng nàm-dan-tang-lo: apòt-kē his slave called-since, we hundred one rupees given having you bought-have: therefore nàng đàm-long-lẽ; nẽ-tum i-bom nàng bàn ,
do-nang-pô.” you to-go-get-not; our housin) you slave remain-will-have-to (ning, varb of necessity).'
Bāmòn-po pa-dèt, 'ai pômár-li, ko-pu-si nē kärja-jö-det-lē dohòn kipl-dun-pe-joi-det The-Brahman said, "O fathers, how to asked-not-having money (gou-give-for-nothing-al-all ma? No dohòn-tā lá phäro lol van-det-lo; si nota nang-kachi-hung-dun; böntä
7. My money also ha hundred one carried-off-has; therefore I also here-am-pursuing(-him); but nàngli-lam-klòng khidot nàng-kāpāthu-dun làng-8l; mẽ nàng-khang-bong-dan-chot. Li
yow-with cowries here-playing foring, I waited-a-little. This pa-po-tő, mo-pén nē lá nép-pon-tang-lo. Anstrēcho-asomar pa-lo, mai, la 90-were-nos-is, long-ago I him would have-seised.' Then the king'schildren said, 'oho, this
pa-bồn-ba?' La-an alang 7-ke-chõbēi Apdt, ingchin ani d t krēi-r 1s-it-really so?' So much he w-both-cheated becau, iron chain, taken-having
ri-dan-po-nàng : lalo-pho-ldk-tē, &-ria-keng ingchin Ini Pi-po-nang. Anel (10) to-reel-go-let: (nor-) lay-hando-owhimis, his hand his foot iron chain (ur.) give-let.' Then
rēoba-adèt-lal sang-ho abang-phu . ingchin an dt-krēi-81 Tentòn the-king'-country-whole people person-head (s.e., every-one) iron chains takon having Tonton ri-dan-lo. Ankē Tentòn ingchin-ani-kedo-arlèng-Inat che-tong-1 Arju-lo, "jir-po, ko-pi sought. Then Tenton srow-chain-having-mana wet-karing asked, friend, what
kanghoi-ji-si nang ingchia ini keòt-dong-16?' Läbàng-uo arlèng thàk-det, Tentòn to-do-for-the-purpose-of you iron chain holding-ara!' That may answered, Tonton pho-lok-to A-ri -keng kipi-ji ini lo-hē, jir-po. Oi-bēt Ko-pu-ti ariikeng
mest-iy, his hand his foot givino-for chain this-18-for, friond.' 'Io-st-601 How hand foot bångso äni kipi-apôt-lo? Nē thàn-thi, jir-po. Tentòn phô-lòk-tē, nē-ta ingnang-ji.'
this chain is-to-bo-put-on ? Mo esplain to, friend. Tenton (1-meet-il, I-alao bind-Chim.) will." Anst bångso angchin ini la a-methang ari akeng chi-pi-16; bangső árleng che phlok Then that sron chain he his own hands moet himself-put-on; that man himself-release thek-the-det-lò. Ankẽ lũ, Tenton lòng-lô, vàng-nòn, pa Tentòa binòng
could not. Then he, Tenton is-caughe, come,' saying tenton the real adung-kedo-asangô-5phàn hàng, kit-jui-lô. Ankẽ kedo-ần Arleng vàng-pet-si,
near-being-people-to called-hating, ran away. Then all the men como together-having, Tenton-ingchin-ani-pen-kekòk ārleng jāsemét chok-lo. Anke lānē Tentòn käli' pa-lo.
Tenton-iron-chain-with-tied man severely beat. Then he 1 Tenton am-not' said. Nàng Tentồn kāli?' rå pu cbök-pèt-an-machot inghoi-18. Ankő bangsa Arleng You Tenton not?' thout saying beat-more-and-more (they-) did. Then that man
kechòk-ong t bi-lot-lo. being-very-wuch-beaten died.
STORY OF TENTON. Once upon a time there was a Brahman and his wife, who had neither non por grandson. Tonton, wandering abcut, came to the Brabman's house. The Brahman said to him, "Why have you come?'
He answered, I am a wanderer.' The Brahman said, Then will you stay with us and bo our companion?'