FEBRUARY, 1902.]
Notes. 1. Tsug rgyan, amulet, worn on the head ; 4. dPalldan means having glory.' . Dr. Lanfer translates it by head-ornament;' 6. The Indian Haritas. however, in Ladakhi this is always an amulet. 7. The king's name means 'Lord of men, 3. Namgun = namsang, always.
glorious time, king of all.' 4. 'abrugpa, name of one of the principal red 8. 'a Dzambu gling one of the Buddhist contisects.
nents, about Asia; it is the Indian Jambadvipa. 8. 'adzam gling = 'adzambugling.
9. Turning the wheel of religion,' Buddhist 16. Kumud = Kumuda, Lotas, Skr.
term for studying religion. 19. Ngung blon, respectful for bkablon, minister. 10. The name means power of time, excellent
21. ble'a lung, respectful for lungbetan, pro- firmness." phecy; Dr. Lanfer suggests orders.'
15. The name means beautiful glory.' 24. Nangso, he who takes care of the inside 17. Refers to the clerical and temporal juris(of a house), the steward.
diction. 27. Tog, anoient name of the village of 19. The name means power of time, fulfiller Stock, means the top. Chags is originally # of the aim.' verb to produce,' here it must be taken as a 24. The name means strong power, spreadsubstantive the producer,' the source.'
ing glory.' . 28. Lhundu, by itself.
29. Only the first part of the name is given, 31. Chaberid, respectful for arid, government: for full name see 7. lo 'adab, comp. cop. of loma and 'adab, means 82. The poet's name means the perfect one, * all leaves.'
rich of power.'
As regards the translation of v. 2 and 17, I am
indebted to Dr. Lanfer's suggestions, Song No. III. - The Polo Song. Text.
Translation. 1. sa 'agal nang nam 'agul coyin lei
1. With an earthquake we shall shake the sky 2. jopa gar shagssed lei
2. Where goes our Master ? 3. yul dkyilgyi shagaranla
3. To the Polo ground in the middle of the
village. 4. jopa polola shagssed lei
4. There goes var Master to play Polo. 5. cigtan grongagi shagaranla
5. To the Polo ground of the Village Oigtan 6. khanpa polola shagssed lei
6. There goes our Khan to play Polo. 7. gyon gyenni gyenpola
7. In the uppermost part of the Polo ground) 8. jopas graphog cig salled lei
8. Our Master hits the ball in the air. thur thurri thurpols
9. In the lowest part of the Polo ground) 10. jopas halka rig srangoged lei
10. Our Master hits it straight through the goal. 11. dga mkhan theocig jopas 'athad chuggin 11. There our Master brings the ball] to please 'akbyongnged lei
his friends. 12. mi dga mkhan thgocig jopas thser chuggin 12. There the Master brings (the ball] to grieve 'akhyongaged lei
the enemies. 18. yarri chibs chenpoi thogla
13. There on your high horse 14. jo yarang yaspai mentog
14. You are like a flower in bloom. 15. yarri chibs chen 'olla rting dkarri thogla 15. There on your high black horse with white
hind feet 16. yarang cospai chagbu
16. You are like a bunch of flowers. asta nangla gong yoggi
17. Of the upper and lower part of the village 18. parang sgompai phali yod lei
18. You are the protecting shield. 19, adin 'sdi ndan buangcanpola
19. Thus before your excellent presence 20. mä khamo bzanpo
20. There is a good rumour. 21. bka blon raim khanlalob stong thge 21. A lifetime of 1000 years may ripon for aminshig lei,
Raim Khan, the Minister..