Such songs can only be explained as having been handed down from ancient times and adapted to the present members of the once famous family.
But there are certain ideas occurring in some of the songs, which suggest a very high antiquity. Thus, as has already been mentioned, the Wedding and Drinking Songs treat of the probably PreBuddhist Religion of Ladakh.
The orthography of the Ladakhi and Pûrig dialects has always kept as near to that of the book-language as possible. As to the verb, the idea of the Ladakhis is that its stem agrees fully with the perfect stem of the classical language, though in reality there are many exceptions. For this reason all the silent prefixed letters which the classical perfect stem shows, are written with the Ladakhi verb, even when used for the present and future tenses. I thought I had better succumb to this general custom, and thus the orthography of my songs is in accordance with the orthography of modern Ladakhi letter-writing.
Song No. I.-The King's Garden at Leh.
1. bkrashis phunsumthsogspas 2. bde ldan karbzoi skyed thsal 3.
ma bzhengs lhundu 'agrub byung 4. thsangs sras nyimai phobrang 5. gung ysal nam mkhai Itongsnas 6. nyi zlai ydugs dang Idan byung 7. ngo mthsar dgabai ltadmo 8. yzabkhang kaba zung ldan
9. nangna senggei khrii steng 10. ynya khri btsanpoi ydung brgyad 11. chos rgyal thse dpal yum sras
12. zhabs pad bakal brgya brtancig 13. ljonsbing stargai stengna
14. 'adab chags pho moi ysungs suyan 15. 'ogna stag shar 'adzompos
16. bkrashis skyidpai glu dbyangs.
bstod thsigs 'adi karbzoi yzabkhangla slel blon dngos grub bstan 'adzingyis brispai dge.
2. Karbro means " risen by itself," see dictionary karlangba; skyedtheal principal garden, see also skyedago.
4. Theangs eras, holy sons, name of the gods (has).
5. Ltonga, a high point (here zenith).
13. Ljonshing, the tree of paradise, any beautiful tree.
According to Dr. Lanfer's criticism in Wiener Zeitschr. f. d. Kunde d. Morgenl. XV. p. 98-107, this song consists of four strophes of four verses each. As regards the translation of v. 10, 12, 14 and 15, I indebted to Dr. Lanfer's snggestions.
1. Through perfect good fortune
The happiness containing garden karbso
Not being built, was completed by itself. It is the house of the gods and the sun.
5. Having in the zenith of the clear sky
Sun and moon like umbrellas, so it arose.
It is a wonderfully pleasing sight.
8. It is like a fine room with pairs of pillars.
Within on the lion's throne
Sita yNya khri batanpo's family.
That is Choargyal Thsedpal with mother and son.
12. May their feet on the lotus stand 100 kalpas ! 18. On this magnificent high nut tree 14. Male and female birds sing melodious songs. 15. Underneath the youths, having gathered, 16. Sing a song of happiness and welfare.
This song of praise was written by the Leh Minister dNgosgrub bstan'adzin in the fine castle within the karbo garden.
10. Nya khri batanpo is the name of the first king of Ladakh.
11. The King's name means religious king, glory of the time.'
12. Kalpa, a fabulous period of time, at least 100,000 years. Skr...
18. The royal family is compared with this high walnut, tree, under whose shelter happiness dwells; walnut trees do not grow in Leh. 9. The lion's throne points to the King's castle, which was built in the middle of the garden. This garden is at the present time the British Joint Commissioner's grounds in Leh.