JANUARY, 1902.
Agreed that the Command of the Ranger shall devolve on Lieutenant Thomas, of the Bombay Marine, he being the present Senior Officer of that Vessel, and Ordered that the necessary Instructions be sent accordingly to Lieutenants Wales and Thomas by the Secretary to the Government. Ordered that the people belonging to the Pilot Service be removed from the Cornwall Bohooner, and that Lieutenant Wales be Directed to provide a proper Officer and a Crew for that Vessel, to have her fitted out for Sea with all Expedition and Compleated with Six Months provisions and Stores.
Ordered that Similar Directions be sent to Lieut. Thomas, with Respect to the Ranger.
1793. - No. IV. Fort William 11th February 1793.
Capt. Kyd ath Feb.. The following Letter was received on the 9th Instant from Captain Kyd, and a Treasury Order was issued in Compliance with his Request. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to the Government.
Sir, I have to request that you will make Application to the Governor General in Council in my name for an advance of Ten Thousand Sicca Rupees, for the purposes of Making advances to the Sepoys and Artificers now going to the Andamans which Sum to be deducted from the advance of Cash, to be furnished for the expence of the Settlement, on my departure.
I have the honor to be &ca Fort William 9th February 1798.
(Signed) A. Kyd. 1798. - No. V.
Fort William 18th February 1793. Minuto and Resolutions of Detail Concerning Captain Kyd's Appointment
to the Andamans. The Governor General in Council Resuming the subject of Captain Alexander Kyd's Appointment to be Superintendent at the Andamans as recorded on the Consultations of the 5th of November 1792 and 1st Instant now passes the following resolution.
That in lien of a Detachment of the Strength Specified in the Orders of the 1st Instant, the following be fixed, for the present, at the Recommendation of the Commander in Chief, as the Strength of the Detachment, of Native Infantry to be Stationed at Port Cornwallis under the Command of Lieutenant Edmund Wells, whom his Lordship has appointed on that duty.
1 Lieutenant Commanding the Detachment. 1 Sergeant with a Staff Allowance of 20 Rupees per Month. 1 Subadar. 1 Jemadar. 4 Havildars. 4 Naicks. 2 Drums, 80 Sepoys.
3 Hand Bhestees. Staff Effective) 1 Drill Havildar NE Staff with an Allowance of 5 Rupees per month. non Effective {1 Sircar
"Ji Native Doctor Effective Staff.