[JANUARY, 1902.
Robert Denham has this Day behaved so Ill that I request of you to Order him to be taken out of the Vessel as an example to the rest. His crime has been creating Riots and Disturbances on Board absolutely refusing to Obey my Orders or acknowledging my right to Command Him useing very importenent and threatning language to me on the Quarter Deck and Beating one of the People before my face and in Direct opposition to my orders. It is the Man Who During the Passage behar'd very Ill to one of the Passenger Girls, and Who I had not Complained of He Promis'd better behaviour.
H. C. Snow Cornwallis,
Port Cornwallis
27th December 1792.
I am Sir
Your most Obedient Humble Servant
(Signed) C. Crawley.
Ordered that a Copy of the last Paragraph of Captain Blair's Letter Dated the 31st Ultimo, relative to Robert Denham, of the Snow Cornwallis, be sent with a Copy of Captain Crawley's Letter to the Master Attendant, and that the latter be instructed to cause a particular and strict enquiry to be made into the Conduct of that Seaman reporting the result to the Board, and the Punishment he thinks due to his Conduct, as it shall appear at that examination.
Captain Crawley having also generally mentioned the constant mutinous disposition of some of the Europeans belonging to the Honble. Company's Snow Cornwallis, the Master Attendant is to desire Captain Crawley to point out the Men to whom he alludes, and an enquiry is to be made into their Conduct also.
The Result must be reported to the Governor-General in Council, and the Master Attendant will deliver his Opinion of the degree of Punishment which they appear to him to merit.
Ordered that Instructions be sent to the Master Attendant and Instructions to the Acting Marine Paymaster, that Capt. Crawley's Allowance as Commander of the Cornwallis is to cease from the end of last Month.
Bead again the Governor General's Minute containing Propositions agreed to by the Board, and recorded on the Proceedings of the 5th of November.
Agreed that the Appointment of Captain Alexander Kyd, of the Corps of Engineers to the temporary Command at the Andamans be published in General Orders.
Agreed that the Chief Engineer be desired to Nominate a Subaltern Officer of the Corps of Engineers to accompany Captain Kyd, on duty, to the New Station.
Agreed that the Commander in Chief be requested to order a Detachment of Sepoys to be Commanded by a Careful and Intelligent Officer of Infantry who shall assist Captain Kyd in making his various Arrangements and take charge of the Settlement in the Event of his temporary Absence from it.
The Detachment is to consist for the present of One Subadar, One Jinmadar, four Havildars, four Naicks and Eighty Sepoys for the protection of the Establishment at the Andamans.
The Commander in Chief Recommends that Lieutenant Edmund Wells may be nominated to the Office of Commissary of Stores and Provisions on that Establishment.
Agreed and Ordered accordingly, and that his Allowance be fixed at Sicca Rupees 250 per Mensem.
Ordered that the Cornwallis Pilot Schooner be discharged from the Pilot Service and appointed to the Andaman Station and that Directions be sent to the Master Attendant to deliver her over, with her Stores, to the Charge of Lieutenant Wales of the Bombay Marine who now Commands the Ranger.