JUNE, 1902.)
Ordered that Commissions, corresponding as far as possible with those issued to Commanders &ca, of Country Ships, since the beginning of the War, be given to the Commanders and Officers of the Vessels at the Andaman Station.
1793. - No. XL.
Fort William 9th Angue 1708. Read a Letter from the superintendant at the Andamans, To Edward Ray Esqr. Secretary to Government,
Sir,- Accompanying I have the pleasnre of transmitting to you for the inspection of the Governor General in Council, my Account Current wili the Honble Company brought up to the period of 'my Leaving Port Cornwallis with the Various Accounts of particulars referred to in it.
I will beg the favor of you to observe to the Board that on my taking Charge of the Settlement, I found that every class of people were paid in Sicca Rupees ; conceiving however that to bring this Establishment to a Conformity with all other Military Establishments it would be the wish of Government, to have the accounts kept in Sonant Rupees; I have with some little difficulty made this Charge as will be perceived by the Pay Rolls from the 15th March. Fort William
I bave the honor to be &ca. 5th August 1703.
(Signed) A. Kyd Superintendant at the Andamans. Ordered that a copy of Major Kyd's Letter be sent, with the Account enclosed in it and the Vouchers, thereof, to the Military Auditor General, with Instructions to Examine and Report on the Account.
Tbe. Auditor General is to be informed that it is the intention of the Governor General in Council that the present Superintendant at the Andamans shall be allowed, from the time of his Appointment, the Pay and full Batta that his Rank may entitle him to on that Command, that is the Pay of his actual Rank, and the fall Batta of the Rank immediately superior.
1793. - No. XLI.
Fort William 26th August 1798. The following Letter and its Enclosure were received, on the 24th Instant, from the Commissary of Stores. To Edward Hay Esqr. Secretary to Government.
Sir, I herewith have the Honor to enclose an Invoice, and two Bills of Lading, for Stores Shipped on the Sea Horse Schooner, Commanded by Lieutt. Gecrge Thomas, for the Andamans.
I have the Honor to be &ca. Fort William
(Signed) W. Golding Commissary of Stores. 24th August 1793.
Enclosed in the Letter from the Commissary of Stores 24th August. Invoice of Siores dispatched on the Brig Sea Horse to the Andamans Captain George Thomas Commander.
Fort William 23rd August 1793. Saws ... ... Pit ... .. ... ... ... ... ... .. 3
Crosscut) in 8 bundles ... ... . .. ... ... ... 10 Spanges with Rammer's in one do. ... ... ... ... ... 6 pdr. 4