(JUNE, 1902.
10 Sa. Rs. pr. Month 7 »
10 Casab 20 Lascars 1 Captain's Cook 2 Captains Servants, 2 Officers Do.,
10 0 0 ... 140 00 ... 300 ... 1600 ... 160
50 men,
Provisions for the abore Men for one Month
... 338
Sicca Rg. ... 1478 12
Xlajor Kyd tho Superintondant at the Andamans attends the Board, for the purpose of explaining the References to the Chart mentioned in his Letter of the 25th Instant and this being done the Chart is retarned to him, and he withdraws.
Agreed that Major Kyd be informed that the Governor General in Council approves of the Instructions he left with Engineer Stokoe in his Letter dated the 28th of June for putting the Companys Settlement at the Andamans in a state of defence to resist any Attacks of Privateers, or any &mall French Armament.
Ordered that he be directed to furnish two Copies of the Plan alluded to in that letter of the Point of the Island that one may be transmitted to the Honble Court of Directors and the other remain in Bengal.
Agreed that the Detachment of depoys at Port Cornwallis be encreased to the Strength of two Companies to be made up of Volunteers from the Battalions at Barrackpore.
That & Small Detachment of European Artillery consisting of 1 Serjeant, 1 Corporal two Gunners and 10 mattrosses be held in readiness to proceed to Port Cornwallis.
That a Detachment of 1 Serang 1 Tendal and 40 experienced Gun Lascars be draited from the Artillery Lascars at the Presidency for the same purpose.
Agreed that the Commander in Chief be requer ted to issue the necessary Orders in Conformity to the foregoing Resolutions.
Agreed that a proportion of Artillery and Stores, according to the List furnished by Major Kyd be in readiness to be sent to Port Cornwallis, and that the Military Board do give the Directions that are required in consequence upon receiving the Indents that will be furnished by the Superintendent.
Agreed that the Saporintendant be authorized to procure as many Bildars as can be sent in the next Vessels that may be dispatched to the Andamans and that he be directed to apply to the Garrison Storekeeper for the additional Supply of Provisions that will be wanted at the Settler.ent for the tise of these men.
Agreed that the vessels on the Andaman Station be armed, that the Establishment recommended by Major Kyd be authorized in lieu of that now existing that Orders be sent to the Master Attendant to assist in procuring the additional Europeans that will be immediately wanted for the Sea Horse, and for any other Vessel on that Establishment that may in future be fitted out, when that happens.
Ordered that a Cory of the new Establishment be sent to the Acting Marine Paymaster for his guidance, and that he be informed that the new Establishment for the Sea horse to take place from the 1st of next Montb.