Thsa Idang, promptly forwards,' name of the mare which gives birth to Thurru rkyangbyung dbyerpa. Addition 2.-C. L.
[MARCH, 1902.
The Ladakhi
mTheanidan ru skyes, 'the famous horned one,' literally, 'horn-producer,' name of Gogza lhamo's husband. A peculiarity in the word in that a wis written instead of a u. pronunciation of the word is ru.-C. L.
mThsalmig, 'Red-eye,' name of the sheep to which Dromo gives birth. Addition 2.-C. L.
Dzemo 'abansa 'abumskyid, probably, the fairy with a hundred thousandfold happiness.' abama is apparently only an introductory play of syllables to the following word. The female element corresponding to 'a Dre lha btsan bogs. Her name according to the Winter Myth is Mersa 'abum skyid.
Za. Probably contracted from saba, 'the eater,' which name certainly agrees with the character of its bearer.
gYusbal angonpo, the blue turquoise-frog.' Gogzalhamo gives birth to him in the underworld. Addition 8.-C. L.
ysersbal yserspo, 'the golden frog.' Gog zalhamo gives birth to him in sTang lha. - 8. - 0, L
Ane bkurdmanmo, the venerable spouse,' a name of the queen of heaven.
1Ha rta ngangpa, 'the bay horse of the gods,' may also be 'the god's-horse-duck, or Swan. Translated in this way, the name would express most clearly the capacities of flying and swimming. C. L.
Unusual Words and Forms. I,
1. gLing. In the present usage of the language this word denotes a continent. This conception may have been gradually developed. In ancient times it was probably not yet understood. In the Kesar Saga, if we translate gLing by "Earth," we shall probably not be far wrong.
2. According to Dr. Lanfer the literal translation is: "From the land of the gods there came the lord of the upper gods." He is quite right.
Instead of "All at once," Dr. Lanfer proposes In the dark.' This is wrong: srib oig la is a very common Ladakhi idiom, used always in the sense of All at once."
2. agu= akhu, see Mythology.
3. Ihabbya, god-bird. The b of the second syllable is pronounced with the vowel of the first; see under Cardinals, Ladakhi Grammar.
4. bdud bya yinces 'adug, he is to be (= seems to be) the devil-bird.
6. Khra khrabo, variegated. Zilasila serves to fill up the line in singing, like our la-la-la ; khrazig, bizig is also said.