MARCX, 1902.3
Donldan, having calling,' name of the oldest son of the king of heaven. - O. L. Donyod, having a calling,"name of the second son of the king of heaven. - C. L.
Drumbubrangdkar, the lascivious [dog] with the white breast,' name of the dog to whom tbe she dog Karmo gives birth. - Addition No. 2.-C. L.
Dromo, heat,' name of the owe which gives birth to mThsalmig. - Addition No. 2.-C. L.
Drelbs btaanbogs, the elf-god strong profit,' mentioned in Additions No. 9; the malo olement to 'Bamza 'abum skyid, possibly another Dame of the devil bDud.
dPalle, 'glory, abundance, splendour,' name of the best-known of all the Ague. Le is probably the syllable of respect of the Ladakhi dialect; but it may also represent an abbreviation of las, work. Prinnag rulohen, dark cloud, great mane,' name of Agu Taba migrab's horso.-O. L.
B. Bys khyung dkrung nyims. . The bird Khyung, the diso, the sun. This is the Tibetan Garuda and the male element to Byamo dKarmo. There exists an actual bird, a heron, which is called khyung on account of his voice. The word dkrung also occurs in dloyil dhrung, the common Oriental postare of sitting with crossed legs, when the legs, covered by the long coat, form a kind of diac. dkrung is the only word, the orthography of which cannot be proved for certain, As regards ya Whyung and nyina, the orthography is dictated by the Lower Ladakhi pronunciation.
Bye rayol rgodpo, the wild bird-king. Gogzalbamo gives birth to him on the rock. - Addition 8. - C. L.
Byamo dharmo, the white female bird,' probably the moon, the female element corresponding to Garuda.-O. L.
Bytlphrag rganjar, the naked little bird.' Gogzalhamo gives birth to it in the field. - Addition 8.- C.L.
dBangpo royab bahan rgya-bahin (the 6 of the second syllable, otherwise silent, was pronounced with the first), the sovereign with the all-embracing countenance,' name of the king of heaven. Dr. Lanfer spells the name rgya byin, meaning 'extending splendour' and identifies the Tibetan king of heaven with Indra. I should be very glad if this could be proved. However, it Dr. Lanfer's spelling is the original, the name would be pronounced rgya byin or rgya bin in Lower Ladakh. This is not the case here. This well-known deity is always called Gya Shin or Gyab shin in Lower Ladakh.44
'a Brugama, see Introductory Notes.
a Brongbyang rogpo, the black wild yak. Gogzalhamo gives birth to him in the meadow. - Addition 8. - C. L.
M. . Ma dkarthigmo, the white-spotted mother,' or perhaps, she who has conceived,' name of the queen of heaven during her visit on the earth.
Monganat arangphrug, 'the street-boy of bad descent.' mo-ngan '= mon ngan; mon is the epithet of a low caste. Instead of orangpkrug, wrongphrug is also said. Name of Kesar in his youth. - C.L.
Taotao ngangdmar, the reddish-yellow summit,' but perhaps also, the red duck of the summit. Name of the goat which causes Dongrub's death in heaven.
bTean rta dmarohung, the small red earth-horse,' ridden by sKyabsbdun.-O. L.
# Profounor Dr. Grünwedel explains the man w having been originally brgya sbyin = Satakratu; bat does abyinpa setually correspond to kratu ?