[MARCH, 1902.
Saturday 25. The first part Light Airs & Calm, the Latter a fresh Gale Easterly. The Bont went a fishing and Brought Enough for Sapper & dinner To Morrow. As they Came in, Landed on Egg Island, & Got 30 Gulls Eggs. Gott 30 More on this Island.
Sunday Oct 26. Wind and Wen" as pr day past. The Boat went a Fishing and Brouglt in 16 Fish. Some went to yo Other Island in order to gett the Cattamaran afloat which they did, but it Blows [blew] too hard to get her Over; they got 30 Gulls Eggs and we got as Many on this Island.
Monday Oct 27. Variable Winds & Cloudy Wear. The Carpenter Employed Planking, Smith Making Nails. In the Morning Some of the people went to Fetch the Cattamaran. The Boat went a Fishing, but Neither provet Saccessful, there being too Much Sea for the Boat, and the Cattamaran was a Groand.
Tuesday 28. Little Winds at NW and Hazey Went. The Boat went out 8 Times to day withont Success : 2 Men Employ'a Mending the Oren.
Wednesday 29th. Light Breezes Easterly. The Boat went a fishing and Brought in 8 Fish. In the Mean Time Raised the Birds and found 6 Eggs : So that we are Convinc'd they are going to Lay. Therefore, am Sure There will be No fear of Starving: for there is a great [are] many Thousands of them. They make the Island quite Nausous in Calm Weather. Three Men went and Brought the Cattamaran over. Sett Fire to Some of the Wreck to get (burn out] Some Bolts.
Thursday 80. The First part Light Airs Easterly. The Boat went out and Brought in Fish. Two Men went to Shagg Rock in Search off [after] Eggs, but Found None. This Rook is about 2 Miles to the Westward of our [the] Island (we are upon). They got 30 Gulls Eggs from Egg Island.
Friday 81". The First part Light Airs Northerly, latterly fresh Gales Westerly. The Boat Brought in only 3 fish at (diff*. Times].46
Saturday Noyl lot. Fresh Gales Westerly & Cloudy Wen" with Some Rain, which we have been Praying for some time ; having only 2 Butts left, besides Our Sea Store, which Lastes (Lasts] but 13 Days by Living Eatirely on Broth, when we dont Catch Fish. Saved
of a Butt. Carpenter Employd Thinning Plank.
Bunday 2d. The first Part Moderate Gales Westerly the Latter Wind at S E And Cloudy Wer in the Night. [Fell] A few Showers of Rain. Saved a Batt of Water. Raised the Birds & Gott 97 Eggs.
dit Times' written over word ermed.