Thursday 18th. Winds Variable and pleasent Wear. People Employd Carrying Over Plank & Spinning Spun Yarn; 2 Went out a fishing & Brought Enough for Dinner & Supper.
MARCH, 1902.]
Friday 17th Fresh Gales Easterly & hazey Wear People Employed Spinning of Spun Yarn & Carrying up Wood for the Kiln.
Saturday 18. Light Breezes Westerly & fair Wear. Carpenter planking, People Picking Oakum, & Spinning Spun Yarn. The Boat went a Fishing and Brought Enough for Dinner, & Went out Again but not Meeting with Success, they Landed on the Other Island & Brought Over 100 Gulls Eggs:
Sunday 19th Ootr. The First part Light Airs Wterly, the Latter a fresh Gale. In the morning 2 men went a fishing and Brought in 26 Fish. Afterwards went Over to the other Island, & Eronght Some Shag's Eggs, but Not being Satisfyed, Mr Collett & 3 Others went Again on the Cattamaran & 2 More in the Boat, but it began to Blow Suddenly so that Those that went on the Cattamaran were Obliged to Take up their Lodgings Amongst the Sealer The Carpenter & Mr Powell Returned in the Boat.
Monday 20th. The First part Fresh Gales Westerly with Some Rain, The Latter More Moderate. About Noon the Boat went Over for Mr Collett And the rest of the people; but as She wou'd Carry no More than 4 at that [a] Time, Those that went to fetch them. Stay'd and the Other 4 Came Over having Been 24 Hours without Eating or drinking. The Cattamaran Broke adrift before the Boat Came Over Yesterday, but Luckily drove on Shore again.
Tuesday 21st. Fresh Gales Easterly and fair Wear. Cat Some Lengths of Junk for Spun Yarn. Opened the Kila and Made Another. The Birds Continue on the Island; Therefore, am in great Hopes they will Lay.
Wednesday 224. Hard Gales Easterly and Hazey Wear. People Employed Knotting Yarns. This Day Tryd the Oven which does Extreemly [Extremely] well Making our Bread as Large Again With the Same Quantitys of Flower [Flour] Than the day we did before, which Was in a pan Over the Fire: but I am Sorry to Say it, there is not above a fortnight's More Flower at the Small [Flour even at our Small] Allowance45 besides What Allowance we Keep for Sea Store [Stock]; & I Fear have 3 Months More to Stay on this Island, before we are Ready to go away [shall be Ready to depart].
Thursday 234, Winds &c as before, Carpenter at Work on the Kelson, Smith Making Nails, & People drawing of Yarns.
Friday 24. Light Variable Breezes the Boat went to Egg Island, And Brought 40 Galls Eggs. We pick up 30 on this Island. People Fitting the Rigging for the large Boat which we Intend to Make a Sloop off [of].
45 2 words erased here.