[FBBRUARY, 1902.
k kh 8 ng c
Song N. IX.- The A B Co Song. (Aorostio.) Text.
Translation. 1. bka dag semskyi ynas logs
1. The disposition of the teacher's soul 2. kha Itar drimed chos sku
2. Is pure like snow, his transient body 3. gana bltas kyang mdses byong
8. Is beautiful, wherever you look at it. 4. ngayi rang sems 'adika
4. This my own soul, 5. caco chosla bagyar kyang
5. Though it agrees with religion as regards
speech, 6. cha lugs yid dang mthunpar
6. May my behaviour also agree with my
mind! 7. ja chang mebodpa mobodgin
7. When bringing the offerings of tea and
ny 8. nyara semala mdzod dang t 9. talai thugskyi 'od yzer th 10. mthamar semala 'aphogna d 11. dalta yidkyis rtogena n 12. na rga 'achiba mi 'adug P 18. dpabo sbagkys chenpo ph 14. pbarol nyon mongs kagnon b 15. ba glang bzhinda ma nyal m 16. ma yyengs dranpa skyong zhig ta 17. rtse phran ba spui buga the 18. mthsen Idan blamai dkyil 'akhor dz 19. mdzabo rang sems 'adika W 20. walei ngangla zhog dang zh 21. zhva Itar stenpai blamas
22. zagmed mchodpa 'abalos 28. 'ala thoorbai'adu abes 24. ya mthaan semskyi Itadmo 25. rarva Itabai sems brgyad 26. la 'ur thulbai dpabo
I 1
8. Give that I may take care of my soul! 9. When the clear light of the Dalai Lama's spirit 10. Finally toaches the soul, 11. All that at present I perceive in my soul, 12. Illness, old age, death, become nothing. 18. The great and powerful Shakya 14. Is the hinderer of misery in the other world. 15. Do not sleep like an ox, 16. Unchangingly, watch your soul ! 17. The fine arteries have pores. 18. Excellent is the sphere of the Lama. 19. Friend 1 Also your own soul 20. Keep in clearness ! 21. When the Lams to whom I stick, as to my
cap, 28. Bringe a spotless offering, 28. Oh to have this sight (perception) 24. Is a wonderful spectacle for the soul, 25. Oh mankind, with hearts like the wind 1 26. Oh, thou hero, who sabdaast even a passing
storm 27. Teach and at the same time explain (thy
teaching)! 28. Fulfil quickly the path of perfection, 29. The self-salvation of sPyanras yzigs ! 80. Oh, mother Dorje Phagmo 31. Ob, great mother, thou and I, 82. May we without any separation alwaya remain united!
Notes, 9. This verse proves, that the name of Dalai Lama is not perfectly unknown to Ladakhis,
17, 18. The translation of these lines is by Dr. Lanfer.
29. The Boddhisattvas name meang Soes with a clear eye.'
80. The mother's name means 'sow thunderbolt,
27. bshed agrol dus snyoms mdzod dang
28, sa lam myurda agrub cig 29. balarigpai rang 'agrol 30. ama rdo rje phagmo 31. yum chen kyed dang nga yugis 32, 'adu 'abral med par shog cig.
Notea. 14. Kagnon in Lower Ladakhi means hinderer. 28. 'Ala is an exclamation, 29. Hala-rig is a name of Pyanras grige. 25, 26. Dr. Lanfer translates as follows The soul of the speedily conquering hero is in almost intoxicated condition. But as this translation necessitates several alterations of the text and is not in agreement with the people's conception of it, I cannot accept it,