[JULY, 1€98.
(87) weis wotkux, to rise up, stand ap; to ascend ; to disappear (of an illness), also
with saj thod ; por. 3 sg. m. *'; votim (tisi woth); 8 sg. f. votoh ;
3 pl.m. swothi; 8 pl. f. s wolską. (88) Usbé's watharárun (causal of wsts watharun), to spread out; aor. 3 ng. f.
rathardeek, by them وتها رك .1 .timean wathande, by them : 8 pl نمو وتهرا و .
(89) ut, ruckkur, to see; with sé, wall, to expect, wait for (scme one); with
us bun, to look towards (some body); kor. 2 sg. masc, wiej ruchkuk, by 08 ; 3 sg. m. ing wuchha (ots wuchk), pitem", sa timau, asi, by him, by them, by us ; uth's suchhun, by him ; 8 ng. f. tes wucht; 3 pl. m.
wwehli چه
town, by him ثم wouchhiw, by him چمن ; ( ,wuchhik چهك ;
by tbem; 3 pl. f. deeg joj timav suchhe, by them. (90) why wadun, to weep; aor. 3 sg. imperson. woj wodun, by him. (91) Osloss wuzanátus, to awaken (causal w;s wurun, to be awake); aor. 3 sg. m.
ourandouk, by him رزتورك .
(92) wty walun, to wrap op, cover, to wrap oneself ap in something (acc.); aor.
3 sg. f. was wajan, hy him. (93) wanun, to speak, say; to name ; sor. 3 ng: unpers., wspó tami won, by
him, (her), them, way wonun, by him ; ou pi tạmi wonnik, by him to them ;
romuk, by them روت wonvas, by him to him وندس ; ,tend towns تم ونس ;
by him to him ; comen's sój timau vonuo, by them to him. os mes conmnawa, by me to you; owij won "nak, by him to thom ; 8 ug. t. wypu tami waï ;
8 pl. f. de pui tąmi wane, by him. (94) uyg rawun, to sow; aor. 3 sg. m. sa petami woro ; impersonal pos wowwm,
by me, og wout, by thee; 3 sg. f. wg wawan, by him. (95) go hawun, to show; with waju drôy, to swear; aor. 8 pl. m. wylo hoving
by him, y la pá tami hôv, by him ; 8 pl. f. sy dual asi háve, by us. (96) vs Liepa hechhinavun (cansal of weet hochhun, to learn), to teach ; aor. 3 sg.
(impers.) stiepostimav hechhinav, uo by them ; 3 pl. m. 5, liver
hechhinôviva, by him, to you ; us Tietoa hechkinôvin, by him. " [Should be suite rechhinév.]