[JULY, 1898.
(67) vy láyun, to striko (with dative); with his peth, to lean upon ; with los
thápar, to give a blow ; aor. 3 sg. m. ex loyun, by him ; có ý royny, by him to thee ; comes gj lôywhas, by them to him; olej lôyuk, by them ;
3 pl. m. . lôyihas, by them to him. (68) " labun, to tako, receive ; to find; sor. 3 sg. m. e Lobut, by theo ; wo
tami lob, by him; v lobwa by you; 3 sg. f. lạbąk, by them. (69) wWladun, to build; to load; to fill up, with a gaid, to put in prison ; with
de les salibi, to crucify; aor. 8 sg. m. w tąmi lod, by bim; ww lodun,
by bim. (70) lagun, to be, become; to appear, arise; to begin (with infnitive feminine);
to be fit; to be bound (dat.); with our qaid, to be imprisoned; with do bochki, hunger, to be hungry (dative of subject); with eyes khúñes, to be vexed ; aor. 3 sg. m. Blogu (1 109); cmé logus, to him ; 3 sg. foe
laj: v tająs, to him ; 8 pl. m. Úlage; 3 pl. f. de loje. (71) Uslo marun, to slay (causal of usé marun, to dio) ; aor. 3 sg. m. wassado
su môrwa-n, he, by yon ; ; só mộruk, by them ; 8 pl.m. o, io môrik, by them. (72) lolo maranávun (double-causal of the preceding), to get slain ; aor. 3 pl. m.
maranirin, by him مارنا رن .
(73) Wilo mánun, to accept, approve, esteem; to consider, hold ; to comply with ;
with phá hukum, to obey'; believe in; to hearken to anyone ; aor. 3 pl.
(impersonal) iga mõnus, to him. (74) Usko mutsarun, to open ; to unlocse, looseu ; aor. 3 sg. f. (causal], Tim
mutsarov, by him. (75) wym marun, to die ; aor. 3 sg. m. ugó mádu (ugé müd); 3 sg. fem. ça moye :
3 pl. m. ugó múdi.
[Wade gives, aor. 3 sg. Je mud (should be gomúd); plup. II., 3 sg. m.
میوو maryou should be مريو و moy60); perfect part. pass medmat مودمت ,
(should be cosyo múdmut).] (76) wke mokalun, to be or become free; plup. II., 3 sg. m. spalio mokalyov. 77) wyse mokaldoun (causal of the preceding), to set free, help, rescue ; to
finish, conclude (with part, absol.); with cu nish, to secure (against any. one) ; aor. 3 pł. f. s, kopš tąmi mokaláre.