People of many countries came there eagerly (for the purpose of bathing), and bathed there in the holy month of Jêsha-3 with the Brahmaps at (the time of) sunrise. When they saw the hermitage 4 of Bharad vaja frequented by the great Rishis, they remained there, being eager to hear stories from him. O Brahmans, that great Muni, Bharad vaja, when be saw them approach, used to tell them stories. He used to bathe daily in the morning, and, wearing the boly ashes and the rosary, he was devoted to the worship of Siva, and always meditated upon Siva, and he used to tell them stories. Bharadvája, the store of mercy, daily recited stories full of many incidents and information to those who resided on the banks of the Varada. At that time there was a certain fisherman, Durdama by name, who used to throw his hook into the midst of the waters of the Varada, and catching them (i. e., fish) he used to put them into his guliku.45 Once he too heard the holy story of Kaitabhekvara, and three days passed in this manner, and by hearing it he was freed from spot (rendered sinless). On the fourth day he discontinued his occupation of always killing (murilering), and reinembering over and over again his own sins, his whole body shook with fear. Bebolding the assembly of Brahmaņs, and standing at some distance, he cried aloud : -'I am a very sinful fisherman and am always merciless. Save me, who am of evil habits, and who has neglected all religion.' So saying, he fell prostrate on the ground again and again, *7 then he threw his hook far away and folded his hands. The hearts of the people were filled with wonder at hcaring this great fisherman talk in this way, and they remained silent. Then Bharad våja spoke : - O fisherman, come here ! Be courageous and be not distressed. Kaitabha is here, and the merciful Madhukasvara is here also, and Varada, who bestows supreme happiness by merely bathing in her, is here likewise. She is always a great remedy and giver of medicine to those who are bitten by the world in the form of serpents. Ofisherman, why are you distressed ? Be calm, be calm. The body (inind?) of people is in their hands, the river is in the hands of nobody 19 The naonth of Vaisakha has also come. Then what reason is there for distress? There is no month equal to Vaisakha; there is no city like Vana väsi, there is no linya like the linja of Madhukosvara in the three worlds. I speak truth. I speak what is good. I speak what is right50 again and again. Bathing in the Varada in Vaisakha gives the easy way of salvation). A mortal by merely bathing in the Varada obtains that reward which is to be obtained by performing all the sacrifices and giving all the large P51) alms. He there undoubtledy obtains salvation in three months. This best (holiest) city of Vanavåsi is the immediate accomplisher, Madhukdávara is the bestower, the Varadå gives salvation. Therefore the hermitages of many great Rishis are situated on its banks. There are also) different kinds of Tirthas, all of them removing all sin. O fisherman, come here and sit beside me. Undoubtedly, I will save you to-day. O Kirâta,63 relate your history and cease from your grief and despair.'
Hearing the great Rishi Bharad vaja speak thus, the fisherman approached him with his hands folded. Durdama said : -'O great Brahman, 0 (thou who art) great, merciful and compassionate to the afflicted, listen to my history. It will really give pain to all. On hearing your story I remembered my former life. The god Yaina, terrible to the sinful, punished me in Satyamuni. When I think of it now, O Bhagavan,53 it breaks my heart. I am unable to speak of it. O mercifal one, save me ! save me!'
So saying, he fell down on the ground like a tree that has been felled.54 The fisherman, being much distressed, and with his hands and feet writhing, fainted. Bharadvaja
43 In this part of the country this holy month corrosponds with the latter half of Chaitra and the first half of Vaibakha.
** Usually located at Prayaga (Allahabad). • A narrow-neckod basket used by fishermen for keeping their fish in safety. 46 I. e., he heard the story for three continuous days. +1 1. e., prostrated himself over and over again.
48 I. e., to those who are weary of the world. + That is, people can control their minds, the river is pure. Or essential. 01 Or various kinds.
"A generic term for a forester or mountaineer, a wild man. Venerable man, an epithet specially of Bharadv&ja.
64 Lit., had its roots cut.