[FEBRUARY, 1897.
So saying, they let him in. Thereupon he went in and saw the god and thus exclaimed: - "Victory, victory, unto thee, O thou that fillest the fourteen worlds, thou omnipotent, eternally holy and eterually pare, thou spotless one and good and self-dependent, thou form of transcendental brightness, thou form of illimitable size."
While Brabm was thus praising him, the god addressed him and said :-" O Brahma, art thou happy in the exercise of thy authority? Is the whole of the creation in all the worlds progressing P"
To this BrahmA answered and said "O god, why dost thou test me thus? Dost thou not know how the worlds are going on ? Art thou not he that doest all these things? Why dost thou speak thus, complimenting me? Am I not thy [Narayana's] servant? Why dost thou make much of thy servant? I am equal to the dust of thy feet. Thou oughtest not to speak so highly of me."
To this Narayana answered and said :-" It is true that you are my servant; but throughont the world if one respects others he will be respected by others; but if one does not respect others, others will not respect him. He should not shew him any disrespect. I will tell you something more: hear me. The people of the world commit sin and then blame me. They do not see their own sins, but blame me in vain. When they fall into distress, then only they remember me. But when they are in prosperity they forget me. What shall I do with such inen? They commit sin only; they do not do any good deeds. They revile one another. They despise others, saying this man is so and so. Brothers born under the same roof, and of the same parents, quarrel and fight with one another, and fall upon forts and castles, and possess them and enjoy them. They do not support the mother that bore them, but hearken unto their wives, and forsake their fathers and mothers and brothers and hate them. Besides this, they make distinctions and say, that man is of that caste, this man is of this caste; he is of a low caste, I am of a high caste. I must not touch him : it is a great sin for me to touch him. Besides this, they steal one another's property, and covet one another's wives, and envy ana hate one another, and kill one another by poison. All such heinons sins they commit. And yet I have not commanded them to do such things. I have not commanded them to haserve caste distinctions. I have commanded them not to lie, not to covet another's wife, not to rob another's property, and not to envy others. I have commanded them according to the Shástras which I have made. I have given them commandments according to the word. To me caste is nothing. Wherever righteousness, faith, truth, peace and a quiet mind are found, there I hold communion. Those who do not act according to my statutes and commands have been condemned by me to receive Yama's punishment in hell. Besides this, there are those who make distinctions at feasts. Such also will have to endure the punishment of hell. Now I am very glad that you have come to me. What is the business for which you have come here? Tell me yoar purpose in coming to me."
When he said this, Brâhmâ answered and said :-"O Lord, I am always anxious to see thee. But there is no means of doing it. I have no time, owing to pressure of work. Thou. knowest it.”
To this, the god replied :-"O Brahma, sit awhile here; now Ikvara will come. You can see him also and then go. See the wonderful things that take place here."
To this Brahma said :-"I do not understand what the cause of this is. Thou must tell me."
To this the god said :-" See! what is to take place must not be told beforehand; whether it is known or not, it must not be told. Remember this advice."
While they were thus speaking, Isvara and Parvati were sitting on a throne in Kailasa, and sixty and four thousand of male demons were dancing joyfully and praising Isvara. They were leaping and shouting, running and biting at each other, and snapping and tearing