..... 316
*** .
.. 151
Palikäsi, a woman of the Pulindas ............ 34 saga-timbangan = rakat .......... Palindas, the tribe, mentioned .................. 34 Saka Era, discussed at length, 116 ff.:-no.
werd, the term explained ......................... 1971 menclature of, discussed at length, 148 ff.; puerds of Burma, business of the ............ 197 f. - a note on the use of, in Travancore, 1mon, the term explained ....................... 199 113 f.: - dates of the ........................ 329 ff.
Saka-kala Saka Era ................................ 149 quoyane = coyan ..............
329 n. Saka-Sarhvat = Saka Era ......................
Suka-Vaz'sha = Saka Era ............ Rajapuri = Rajauri .............
Sukn-varskoshv-atitêslu = Saka Era ......... rejas, the meaning of ............................. 170 Sak-Abde = Saka Exa ................ vokat = rati abrue precatorius seed......... 316 Sak-abdê - Saka Era .......................... rokoshasa = $. 1118 current....................... 330 Saka-vatsaré = Saka Era ......................... raktika =rati, 314: -run 320 to the pala, Sakansipa-kAl-&tita-Samvatsara = Saka Era.
in ancient Indian standard weights ......... 318 Sakansipa-Samvatsara baka Era .............. Råmadôva of Vijayanagara, a date of, noted... 381 Snkastasringa, King of Mallikapura'......... Rana Mandalikka of Vamanathali (Vánthli)... 195 sakay = sitke ................ Ranasinganallur = Erneil Taluka............... 146 Sakê - Saka Ern ......................................... Rañijit Singh, his connection with Lohara ... 231 Sako Saka Era .......... Rashtraktas of Malkhôd, date in Saka Era... 146 Salivaha = Salivåhana................................ rati, the term conveys a conventional weight, Salivahana occurring in Saka Date ............ 150
315; = abrus seed, 314 ff.; = by confusion Salones - Selunge ............ .................... 85 also adenanthera seed, 314 tf.: and double salt, a widely worshipped guardian, 9:- as rati, confusion of, explained, 314; double, a spirit-scarer, 9: - consecrated, its uses, explained ...................
13: - over the left shoulder, throwing, Rattas of Saundatti, date in Saka Era ...... 147 explained............................................... 12 raudra = $. 1542 expired ....................... 831Samarasiha, lord of Chittakuda (Chitor) ...... 195 raundar y ongdù ................................... 259 Sambarani, a note on ................................ 60 red-hand, the, stamped at Tilokpur Temple... 84 Satkaracharya, his date still doubtful......... 117 Red Sappanwood = Red Sandalwood.........314 1. Sankrántis in dates
............... 330 ff. Red Sandalwood, term explained, 314 n.: - sumyúsvatha, the term explained ...... ...... 7
seed = adenanthera pavonina..................... 314 sandhi in Burmese noted .......................... 329 Red Sanderswood -- Red Sandalwood ......314 n. Sanskrit words in Burmese .................... 325 f. Redwood seed = adenanthera pavonina ...... 314 santa = sata ......
................ 225 hoàn = tông đồ ..................... .......... 259 sapek = sapèque............ ............... 223 2. ribbons, a spirit-scarer ......... ........... 7 sapèque, derivation of the word, 222 ff. : from rice as an article of barter ......................281 f. Malay sapaku .......................
***************. ............... 122 ring as a means of recognition, in folktales... 135 sapocon = sapèque ................................ 22 ringdar = yóngdo.......
sapoon = supocon = sapèque ...................... 23 rondai = yongdo ................ .............. 259 sappica = sapèque ........... .............. 23 rondailyộngdò .............. ................ 289 Saptarshi Era, remarks on the ................. 118 rondaye yöngdò .................
***.... ..... 259
Sarada Alphabet used in an inscription ...... 29 rubies, tears turning into, in folktales ......... 108 Sarambara - Châmbar ....................... 228 f. Rumphius on the plants abrus and adenan- Sarasvatipurs on the banks of the Krishna, a thera ........... ........................ 316 ff. story of ..................
............. 305 ruń, forms of, 259:= yüng=yôngdò........... 259 tarira, the psychological meaning of ......... 170 runday = yốngdò .................................... 259 sarvadhárin S. 1450 expired ................ 332 punyd'hau = yongdd ................................... 259 sarvajit S. 1390 current ...................... 332 f. rupee = kyàt, 321: - as token.................. Sarvari = $. 1102 expired ......................... 331 rretnee = ywetni ........................
sardóparamatvat, the term explained............ 173
sarvoparamatvát suskupti, the expression Sacramentum Catechumenorum explained ... 11 explained ................ Sadasivariya of Vijayanagara, a date of, Sastrasanvatsara - Saptarshi Era ............ noted................................
****...... 331
sata, a string of 200 cash ....................... saga = abrus precatorius seed, 316 h.: in sateleer, derivation of .......................
290 Java = candareen=adenanthera pavonina satallie = sateleer ..................................... 200
seed ............................................. 317 n. Sätkuväris, the, are air-spirits .......... 249 saga-puku - adenanthera pavonina seed ... 316 sattoa, the meaning of ............................. 179