a6 in Sanskrit derivatives in Burmese. 325 ff. 4 in Om represents jāgrat A, U, M Om, explained
173 173
enquiry into the plant, 314 ff.; Rumphius on the plant, 316 ff.:- the precatorius, varieties of, explained, 314; colors. of the seed, 314; black and red variety is the type of weight, 314; seed, names for, 314; Burmese names for, 314; old Chines rames for, 316; Dutch names for, 316; old German names for, 316; Malay names for, discussed, 316 ff.; -as a weight standard, discussion on, 314 ff.; is practically a conventional weight, 315; as standard of weight must be conventional, 317; popular weight of, 2 grs. Troy, 315; actual weights of, discussed, 315; half adenan. thera seed popularly, 314; confused with adenanthera pavonina Achyutaraya of Vijayanagara, a date of,
341 ff.
adenanthera, enquiry into the plant, 314 ff.;
seeds Rumphius on the plant, 316 ff.:described, 315; names for, 314; Burmese names for, 314; old Chinese names for, 316 f.; old Dutch names for, 316; Malay names for, discussed, 316 ff.; old Portuguese names for, 317;- as a weight standard, discussion on, 314 ff.; is practically a conventional weight 315; as standard of weight must be conventionalised, 317; popular weight of, 4 grs. Troy, 315; two abrus seeds popularly, 314; confused with abrus precatorius, 314 ff.; mistaken for mahúyá seed 814 n. adhibhúta, the meaning of ........................ 175 adhidaiva, the meaning of Adhiyajña, the meaning of. ..................................................... 175 Aeng Route, the first account of the..... 41 Air-spirits, 246 ff.; in the Konkân ............. 248 Ajmer, origin of the name, 161 ff.; origin of 161 ff. 323 94 283
the town (a) 'wet, a ten of viss
alcohol, a spirit home
almonds as an article of barter
b initial p in Sanskrit derivatives in Bur.............. 326 Badarasiddhi identified with the modern Borsad .....330 f., 332
bahishkarana, the psychological meaning of. 170 Bahundâ, a woman of the Pulindas Baindavi, a former name for Vanavâsi, 33; = Vanavåsi 78 303 f. Baitul Pachist, a folktale version of 105 Bâlâ, an evil spirit...... **************** ****** Banaausi Vanavâsi 781.
Alûr, a village in Travancore..................... 146 anala S. 1478 expired Andaman Tokens, the, 192 ff.: the first dated 1860 in MS., 193; the second dated 1860 in MS., 193; the third dated 1861 in copper, 193; the fourth dated 1866 in copper, 193; the fifth dated 1867 on card, 193: forgeries of
angaraki, the fourth tithi of the dark half antahkarana, the term explained................ 170 Asâvalli Asavâl near Ahmadâbâd, 195; the name discussed átmá váiśvánara, the psychological meaning of.....
atman, the psychological meaning of ......... 170 átman prajna, the term explained ............... 170 atman taijasanivritti, the term explained. 170 Aṭṭalika Aṭôli 228 Attic salta derivation for the expression... 10 328 ava=== ywe...... aylalum abrus precatorius seed .......... 316. aylaru pidjar: abrus precatorius seed aylaru-pohon abrus precatorius seed
316 316
bark cloth in the Nicobars, 265 f.; only used by the women, 266; made of split cocoanut
265 46
Baroda, the name discussed Barúdra = Baroda Barter, generally, discussed, 261 ff.: in the Far East, discussed, 260 ff.:- in natural produce, discussed, 281 ff.; in manufactured articles, discussed, 285 ff.:- values stated. in cash, 264 f.: articles of, as money of account, among the Chins, 312 f. troubles of trade by, explained, 212-in almonds, 283; in cattle, 285; in cloth, 286 f.; in cocoanuts, 283 ff.; cotton used in, 283; in drums, 287; in earthenware, 288; in glass bottles, 287 f.; in glass jars, 287 f.; in gold and silver trees, 289 f.; in lives,' 285; in livestock, 285; in mulberries, 283; in oxen, 285; in rice, 281 f.; in skins, 286 f.; in tea bricks, 285 f. additional notes 311. bees' wax as a form of currency in Borneo... 312 'betel-quid-taking-time' ............................................ 273 Bêthala Vêtâl.......
303 178
bhadra, the seventh tithi of the dark half