[DECEMBER, 1897.
1825.-"As to Malacca . . . . Kelly (Cambist) | supplementary to and corrective of my list above. states. ... the principal current coins are rupees, mentioned. Premising that the Burmese add the Dutch schillings, Dubbeltjes, 2 stiver pieces, and suffix ku, a cave, to all names of caves, which is doits." - Chalmers, Colonial Currency, p. 383. here omitted, the list runs as follows.
My recollection is that General Horace Browne
was the author of this official list, and he adds a CAVES OF THE AMHERST DISTRICT, BURMA.
note that the caves are "generally named after
the nearest village or place of note in their im. Ante, Vol. XXII. p. 337 ff., I gave a general
mediate vicinity." This was also my experience. account of the caves about Maulinain. I have since come across a list of them, which is worth
List of Caves. publishing, in a Government publication entitled P'Abu.
Ambyàn. Transliteration into Roman Characters of Names T'aingiaik. Taingmalwè. Kyau'ket. of Places in British Burma, 1874." The publica
K'ayôn. Såddàn.
D'ammaba. tion itself has now no interest beyond the acade. Kayon-ng&. P'Agàt.
Kògun. mio one of showing the history of the existing
Webyan. system of official transcription into Roman!
Paung. characters, for it is not a transliteration, of Bur- Pakavat
PÅbyà. mese words. But at p. 59 ff. the booklet gives a
P'êbaung Ma'chitaung. list in the vernacular of the Caves of the Amherst Distriet, which I here transcribe as
INDISCHE PALEOGRAPRIE. By G. Bühler. Strassburg, The same mistake may have been committed
1896. Pages 96, and portfolio of Plates. by the author of the die of the Bran coin. HITHERTO the only book on the history of Indian Space does not permit to give an epitome of alphabets was the late Dr. Burnell's South Indian Professor Bühler's work, and I would only direct Palæography, the second edition of which appear. attention to the chapter on the Kharðshthi, where ed as far back as 1878, and which confined itself to this difficult alphabet is fully analysed for the the South Indian alphabets. Professor Bühler's first time; to the ingenious way in which the new work is the first which embraces the whole co-existence of Grantha with Tamil and Vatteluttu subject of Indian Palæography. Coming as it and the derivation of the two last are explained does from such an eminent authority, I need and to the chapter on numerical symbols, which hardly say that it contains a lucid and up-to-date supersedes the late Dr. Bhagvanlal Indraji's exposition of its theme and that it teems with paper in Vol. VI. of this Journal. Among the fresh discoveries. As regards one of the leading designations of alphabets I notice the erroneous and most difficult questions - the derivation of form Kanara, for which read Kannada or Karnata, the Indian Brahmi alphabet, Professor Bühler literally the black country. This is the indi. arrives at the conclusion that the latter is an genous name of the 'black cotton soil' districts adaptation of a Northern Semitic alphabet, im- and of their language; see Hobson-Jobson, p. 117, ported about B. O. 800. This important result is and Kittel's Dictionary, articles Kannada and so well supported with facts that it cannot fail to Karndta. Two other transliterations which apineet with general acceptance. There is only one pear misleading are Cicacole for Chicacole (Srisubordinate link in the chain of arguments where kakula) and Kooin for Cochin (the Portuguese I am unable to agree with the author uncondi. form of Kochchi). tionally. He considers the Eran coin, on which A most invaluable and indispensable addition the letters run from right to left, as a proof that are nine photographic Plates of letters (i. Khathe Brahmt was derived from a Semitic alphabet. roshth; ii. and iii. Brahmi; iv. to vi, Northern But it is a known fact that Indian engravers alphabets; vii. and viii. Southern alphabets; often forget that the letters have to be reversed ix. numerical symbols), which were prepared with on the die in order to appear in their positive the assistance of Dr. Cartellieri. It will be good forms on the coin itself. A quite modern instance news to many that an English edition of the is a coin of the Hôļkar of [Vikrama-Samvat] 1943, work is in preparation. where the words एक पाव पाना । इंचारे are reversed. I